Data Science and Machine Learning Course For Non-Programmers

Especially Designed For Working Professionals

Generative AI Integrated Advanced Data Science & AI Course

Generative-AI Integrated

In Collaboration with

Microsoft Partnered Advanced Data Science and AI Course




Learn From IIT, NIT and Top MNC Professionals

Data Science and Machine Learning Course


Live Interactive Classes


Hiring Partners


Guaranteed Job Referrals


Avg. Salary Hike

Data Science and Machine Learning Course For

Especially Designed For Working Professionals

Generative AI Integrated Advanced Data Science & AI Course

Generative AI-Integrated Curriculum

In Collaboration with

Microsoft Partnered Advanced Data Science and AI Course


IBM Cerification

1stepGrow NASSCOM Certified - ADS
1stepGrow Silicon India Certified - ADS
1stepGrow Business Connect Certified - ADS
1 (3)
2 (3)
3 (3)

Data Science & Machine Learning Course Overview

Data Science & Machine Learning Course Overview

Our Data Science and Machine Learning course provides extensive training in Python programming, covering Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. You’ll also learn Database Management System, Data Visualization with Power BI & Tableau, and version control with GitHub. Gain comprehensive knowledge and expertise in essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python through this course.

Our Data Science and Machine Learning course provides extensive training in Python programming, covering Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. You’ll also learn Database Management System, Data Visualization with Power BI & Tableau, and version control with GitHub. Gain comprehensive knowledge and expertise in essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python through this course.

Data Science & Machine Learning Program Key Skills and Features

Data Science & Machine Learning Program Key Skills and Features

Features Built on Industry Insights for Unmatched Success!

Key Program Features

Key Skills Covered

Key Program Features

Key Skills Covered

Skills Covered

Who This Advanced Data Science and AI Program Is For?


Graduates from computer science, mathematics, or a related field

Advanced Data Science Course Work Experience Qualification

Work experience

Professionals with experience in technology background

Advanced Data Science Course Career Stage Qualification

Career stage

Early to mid-career professionals seeking career leap


Ambitious individuals aiming for hands-on experience


1 DS & ML_1step 1250X 900
2 DS & ML _IBM_Python for DS 1250X 900
3 DS & ML _MS_Azure Data Fundamental 1250X 900
4 DS & ML _MS Azure AI fundamentals 1250X 900

Who This Data Science and Machine Learning Program Is For?


Get Your Dream Job With Highest Possible Pay

Harness Extensive Industry Network of 510+ Companies with Relevant Skills

Get Your Dream Job With Highest
Possible Pay

Harness Extensive Industry Network of 510+ Companies with Relevant Skills

Access to job openings and referrals from leading firms

Unlimited job support with resume

Upgrade profile with industry relevant

Network with professionals and experts
in the field

Access to job openings and referrals from leading firms

Unlimited job support with resume building

Upgrade profile with industry relevant projects

Network with professionals and experts in the field

Syllabus | Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Still Not Sure About The Course?

Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

Syllabus | Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Explore a meticulously designed syllabus that blends fundamental knowledge with cutting-edge techniques. Our Advanced Certification in Data Science and AI Course offers an extensive curriculum that immerses you in practical applications.

Explore a meticulously designed syllabus that blends fundamental knowledge with cutting-edge techniques. Our Advanced Certification in Data Science and AI Course offers an extensive curriculum that immerses you in practical applications.

UNIT 1: Orientation (8 Hours)

This unit serves as a primer for data science, introducing key tools and concepts. It’s designed to equip non-programmers with foundational Python and math skills.


Module 1: Introduction To Data Science, Analytics & AI

  • Introduction to tools & key concepts
  • Real-time project applications 
  • Practical applications of data science in various industries


Module 2: Fundamentals of Programming

  • Introduction to Python tools
  • Installation of Python
  • Python Fundamentals


Tools Covered: Python, Anaconda, Jupyter, Google Colab


Module 3: Fundamentals of Statistics

  • Importance and Use of Statistics in Data Science
  • Descriptive Statistics & Predictive Statistics
  • Learn how predictive Statistics connects with Machine Learning



Module 2 and 3 of Unit 1 are specially designed for non-programmers to understand the basics of computer programming and math.

UNIT 2: Portfolio Building (6 hours)

This unit provides an extensive roadmap for building a robust portfolio in data science. You’ll master GitHub for efficient collaboration and LinkedIn for networking and career advancement.


Module 1: Git & GitHub (VCS)

  • Introduction to VCS
  • Installing and Configuring Git
  • Git Essentials
  • Branching and Merging
  • GitHub Essentials
  • Collaborating on GitHub
  • Forking repositories
  • Creating pull requests
  • Best Practices and Workflows


Class Hands-On:

Initiate, collaborate, and work on a real-time project


Tools Covered: Git, GitHub


Module 2: LinkedIn Profile building

  • Introduction to LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Platform
  • Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Profile
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Engagement
  • Growing Your Network on LinkedIn
  • Increasing Followers and Engagement
  • Enhancing Professional Branding
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Career Advancement

UNIT 3: Python for Data Science & AI
(42 Hours)

This Python course is built to learn Python programming from fundamental to advanced concepts tailored for data science and AI applications. 


Module 1: Core Python Programming

  • Python Environment
  • Data types & Operators
  • Operators & Loop controls


Project: Build a simple calculator


Module 2: Advanced Python Programming

  • Functions & Modules
  • Regular Expressions (RegEx)
  • File Handling & Exception Handling
  • Generators & Decorators


Class Hands-on:

25+ programs/coding exercises on data types, loops, operators, functions, generators, file I/O, reg-ex, and exception handling


Module 3: Web Scraping using Python

  • Introduction to Web Scraping
  • Web Requests & HTTP
  • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup


Project: Scrape and Analyze Data from a Website (2-3 Projects)


Module 4: OOPs in Python

  • Classes and Objects
  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
  • Abstraction and Interfaces
  • Method Overriding and Overloading
  • Class Variables and Instance Variables


Module 5: Python For Data Analytics

  • Data Analysis using NumPy (Array Operations)
  • Data Analysis using Pandas (On Dataframes)
  • Data Visualization using Matplotlib
  • Data Visualization using Seaborn


Tools Covered: NumPy, Pandas, MatplotLib, Seaborn, Beautiful Soup


EDA Project (Create Insights using Data Analytics)

2 Full-Length Projects on Data Analytics using Pandas, MatplotLib & Seaborn to analyze Data to Gain Insights and Identify Patterns.

UNIT 4: Data Science Tools (94 Hours)

Learn practically data mining, using SQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Data visualization and analytics using Power BI & Tableau and big data analytics using Hadoop preparing students for diverse data roles.


Module 1: SQL – Structured Query Language 

  • Introduction to SQL
  • SQL Syantax and data types
  • CRUD operations in SQL
  • Retrieving Data with SQL
  • Filtering, sorting & formatting query results
  • Advanced SQL Queries
  • Database Design and Normalization
  • Advanced Database Concepts
  • Stored Procedures
  • Integrating SQL with Python for Data


Hands-on practice:

  • Joins, Sub-queries, Aggregation query
  • Views, Filtering, Sorting
  • Group By and Having clause


Module 2: MongoDB 

  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • MongoDB essentials
  • Structure of MongoDB
  • Advanced MongoDB Queries
  • Integrating MongoDB with Python for Data


Tools Covered: MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB


Module 3: Power BI 

  • Introduction to Power BI
  • Data Preparation and Modeling
  • Clean, transform & load data in Power BI
  • Data Visualization Techniques
  • Advanced Analytics in Power BI
  • Designing Interactive Dashboards
  • Power Query
  • Design Power BI Reports
  • Connecting Power BI to SQL
  • Create, Share, and Collaborate on Power BI Dashboards


Class Project & Assignments:

Project 1: Education Institute’s student data analysis

Project 2: Sales Data Analysis

– Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts


Module 4: Tableau

  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Connecting Tableau to data sources
  • Data Types in Tableau
  • Data Preparation and Transformation
  • Building Visualizations in Tableau
  • Advanced Analytics in Tableau
  • Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling
  • Connecting Tableau to SQL
  • Tableau Online to collaborate, share & publish dashboards


Class Project & Assignments:

Project 1: Supermarket data analysis

Project 2: Covid Data Analysis

– Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts

– Deployment of Predictive model in Tableau


Tools Covered: Power BI, Tableau, Excel


Module 5: Excel for Analytics 

  • Introduction to Excel for Analytics
  • Basic Formulas & Function
  • Data Preparation and Cleaning
  • Charts & Graphs in Excel
  • Data Analysis Techniques in Excel
  • PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization
  • Data visualization techniques in Excel
  • Excel’s data analysis add-ins


Module 6: Apache Hadoop – Big Data Analytics

  • Overview of Big Data and Distributed Computing
  • The Hadoop ecosystem and its components
  • Architecture: HDFS and MapReduce
  • Setting Up Hadoop Environment
  • Managing files and directories in HDFS
  • Performing HDFS operations
  • MapReduce paradigm: mapper, reducer, and shuffle phases
  • Running and monitoring MapReduce jobs on Hadoop clusters
  • YARN and Hadoop Ecosystem
  • Hadoop ecosystem projects: Hive, Pig, HBase, etc.
  • Integrating Hadoop with other Big Data technologies


Tools Covered: Hadoop, Pig, Hive, HBase, Yarn MapReduce

UNIT 5: Statistical Approach for Data
Science (24 Hours)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of statistical concepts for analytics & machine learning techniques with their practical applications.


Module 1: Statistics & Probability

  • Fundamentals of Math, Probability & Statistics
  • Descriptive vs inferential statistics
  • Types of data, Sample and Population
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Handling outliers & missing values in data
  • Discrete and continuous probability distributions
  • Normal distribution and central limit theorem
  • Linear Algebra, Sampling and Estimation
  • Hypothesis Testing Workflow
  • Confusion Matrix, Performance Metrics
  • P-values, Z Scores, Confidence Level
  • Significance Level, Sampling Techniques
  • Parametric Tests: T-test, Z-test, F-test, ANOVA test
  • Non-Parametric Tests: Chi-square test, Man Whitney U Test & Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
  • Regression & Classification Analysis


Class Hands-on:

Problem-solving for central tendency, ANOVA, central limit theorem & hypothesis testing Case study

UNIT 6: Predictive Analytics using
Machine Learning (40 Hours)

You will learn machine learning algorithms, and model building from scratch to advance exploring various case studies to practice on real-world applications to reinforce your learning.


Module 1: Machine Learning

  • Set Theory
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Traditional coding vs Machine learning
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Model evaluation
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Analysis & Visualisation
  • Feature Engineering
  • Machine learning model building & evaluation
    • Linear Regression Model & Evaluation
    • L1 & L2 Regularization (Lasso and Ridge Regression)
    • Logistic Regression Model & Evaluation
    • K Nearest Neighbours (KNN) & Evaluation
    • Decision Tree Classifier & Regressor
    • Random Forest Classifier & Regressor
    • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff
  • Cross-validation



  • EDA for Weight Prediction task from Height (Regression task)
  • 1 project each for Regression & Classification


Module 2: Advanced Machine Learning

  • Clustering & K-means
  • K-Means Clustering Model
  • Ensemble approach
  • Bootstrapping + Aggregation = Bagging
  • Bagging vs Boosting
  • Hyperparameter Tuning for GridSearchCV
  • XGBoost Explanatory Model Building
  • Boosting Ensemble Models
  • Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
  • Handling Imbalanced Dataset
    • Resampling (Oversampling & Undersampling)
    • Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
  • Gradient Boosting
  • CatBoost
  • LightGBM
  • Support Vector Classifier (SVC) & Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    • Use of Dimensionality Reduction Technique
    • Difference with Feature Selection Techniques
  • Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)
  • Hyperparameter Tuning


Tools Covered: Pandas, Matplotlib, Sk Learn, LightGBM 


Class Projects:

  • Project with practical application of Regression, Classification, and Clustering algorithms using Machine Learning concepts.
  • Case studies in various domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, marketing, supply chain, etc.) like:
  • Spam Mail Classifier using Naive Bayes Algorithm
  • Detect car Insurance Fraud Claims
  • Heart disease detection using ML


Module 3: Time-Series Data Analysis 

  • Introduction to time series data
  • Linear Regression Vs ARIMA model
  • Time series visualization and exploration
  • Time series decomposition
  • Stationarity and its tests
  • Autoregressive (AR) Models
  • Moving Average (MA) Models
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models
  • Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) models
  • Exponential smoothing methods


Class Projects:

  • Project to predict the number of customers of an Airline organization using Time Series Model ARIMA & SARIMAX
  • Financial Market Stock Price analysis and forecasting
  • Sales data forecasting to understand trend and seasonality


Tools Covered: SciKit Learn, Pandas, Matplotlib


Note: All Machine Learning Algorithms will be covered in depth with real-time projects & case studies for each algorithm. Once this module is completed, the Capstone Project will be released for the batch.

UNIT 7: NLP - Natural Language Processing
(16 Hours)

NLP Specialization will help you on projects like sentiment analysis and other text based projects. 


Module 1: NLP

  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Text Preprocessing
  • Text Embedding Techniques
  • Word2Vec Text Embedding
  • Topic modeling (LDA, LSA)
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging)
  • Transformer architecture and BERT model
  • Text classification models


Class Projects:

  • To classify an email as spam or not spam
  • Social media sentiment analysis
  • Translation & summarization of News
  • Generate optimized title/headline
  • Case Study on Recommendation Engine


Tools Covered: NLTK, Spacy, BERT

UNIT 8: Intro to Deep Learning & Prompt Engineering (14 Hours)

Deep Learning, focuses on training neural networks to build a model by studying hierarchical patterns and features from the input data.


Module 1: Artificial Neural Network 

Module 1: Introduction to Deep Learning 

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Forward Propagation in ANN
  • Backpropagation in ANN
  • Artificial Neural Network (ANN)


Class Projects

  • Diabetes detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)


Tools Covered: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch


Module 2: Prompt Engineering 

  • Exploring prompt tools
  • Understanding prompt tools & their architecture
  • Future advancement in AI and Large Language tools
  • Overview of tools like (GPT, Dall E, Midjourney Etc.)
  1. ChatGPT: Prompt for text Generation (Natural Language Processing)
  2. Dall E / Midjourney: Prompt for image Generation
  3. Synthesia for Video Generation & Slides AI for PPT creation


Tools Covered: ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall E, MS Copilot, Synthesia, Invideo AI, Slides AI

UNIT 9: Cloud Deployment of ML Models
(32 Hours)

In In this cloud deployment unit, you will learn to deploy machine learning and AI models using AWS and Azure, two leading cloud platforms.


Module 1: AWS

  • Introduction to Cloud Deployment for ML and AI Models
  • AWS cloud platform and its services for model deployment
  • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
  • AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
  • Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Elastic File System (EFS)
  • Model Deployment with AWS
  • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Flask
  • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Django


Module 2: Azure

  • Azure cloud platform and its services for model deployment
  • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
  • Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure
  • Model Deployment on Azure
  • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Flask
  • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Django


Tools Covered: AWS, EC2, S3, ECS, Sagemaker, Lambda, Azure, Azure ML, Flask, Django

Program Highlights

UNIT 1: Orientation (8 Hours)

This unit serves as a primer for data science, introducing key tools and concepts. It’s designed to equip non-programmers with foundational Python skills, facilitating a deeper understanding and practical application throughout the course.


Module 1: Introduction To Data Science, Analytics & Machine Learning

  • Introduction to tools, key concepts, and definitions
  • Real-time project applications in different domains
  • Practical applications of data science in various industries


Module 2: Fundamentals of Programming

  • Introduction to Python tools
  • Installation of Python
  • Python Fundamentals


Tools Covered: Python, Anaconda, Jupyter, Google Colab


Module 3: Fundamentals of Statistics

  • Importance and Use of Statistics in Data Science
  • Descriptive Statistics & Predictive Statistics
  • Learn how predictive Statistics connects with Machine Learning



Module 2 and Module 3 of Unit 1 are specially designed for non-programmers to understand the basics of computer programming and math.

UNIT 2: Portfolio Building (6 hours)

This unit provides an extensive roadmap for building a robust portfolio in data science. You’ll master GitHub, a version control system, for efficient collaboration and project management. Additionally, you’ll harness LinkedIn‘s power for networking and career advancement.


Module 1: Git & GitHub (VCS)

  • Introduction to Version Control Systems
  • Installing and Configuring Git
  • Git Essentials
  • Branching and Merging
  • GitHub Essentials
  • Collaborating on GitHub
  • Forking repositories
  • Creating pull requests
  • Best Practices and Workflows


Class Hands-On: Initiate, collaborate, and work on a real-time project


Tools Covered: Git, GitHub


Module 2: LinkedIn Profile building

  • Introduction to LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Platform
  • Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Profile
  • Leveraging LinkedIn Features for Engagement
  • Growing Your Network on LinkedIn
  • Increasing Followers and Engagement
  • Enhancing Professional Branding on LinkedIn
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Career Advancement

UNIT 3: Python for Data Science & AI (42 Hours)

This Python course introduces fundamental to advanced concepts tailored for data science and AI applications. Learn Python step by step from basics to advanced. Learn all libraries, functions, and modules to perform data science projects by analyzing and building ML & AI models using Python.


Module 1: Core Python Programming

  • Python Environment
  • Data types & Operators
  • Operators & Loop controls


Project: Build a simple calculator


Module 2: Advanced Python Programming

  • Functions & Modules
  • Regular Expressions (RegEx)
  • File Handling & Exception Handling
  • Generators & Decorators


Class Hands-on:

25+ programs/coding exercises on data types, loops, operators, functions, generators, file I/O, reg-ex, and exception handling


Module 3: Web Scraping using Python

  • Introduction to Web Scraping
  • Web Requests & HTTP
  • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup


Project: Scrape and Analyze Data from a Website (2-3 Projects)


Module 4: OOPs in Python

  • Classes and Objects
  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
  • Abstraction and Interfaces
  • Method Overriding and Overloading
  • Class Variables and Instance Variables


Module 5: Python For Data Analytics

  • Data Analysis using NumPy (Array Operations)
  • Data Analysis using Pandas (On Dataframes)
  • Data Visualization using Matplotlib
  • Data Visualization using Seaborn


Tools Covered: NumPy, Pandas, MatplotLib, Seaborn, Beautiful Soup


EDA Project (Create Insights using Data Analytics)

2 Full-Length Projects on Data Analytics using Pandas, MatplotLib & Seaborn to analyze Data to Gain Insights and Identify Patterns.

UNIT 4: Data Science Tools (94 Hours)

Learn practically data mining, using SQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Data visualization and analytics using Power BI & Tableau and big data analytics using Hadoop preparing students for diverse data roles.


Module 1: SQL – Structured Query Language 

  • Introduction to SQL
  • SQL Syantax and data types
  • CRUD operations in SQL
  • Retrieving Data with SQL
  • Filtering, sorting & formatting query results
  • Advanced SQL Queries
  • Database Design and Normalization
  • Advanced Database Concepts
  • Stored Procedures
  • Integrating SQL with Python for Data


Hands-on practice:

  • Joins, Sub-queries, Aggregation query
  • Views, Filtering, Sorting
  • Group By and Having clause


Module 2: MongoDB 

  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • MongoDB essentials
  • Structure of MongoDB
  • Advanced MongoDB Queries
  • Integrating MongoDB with Python for Data


Tools Covered: MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB


Module 3: Power BI 

  • Introduction to Power BI
  • Data Preparation and Modeling
  • Clean, transform & load data in Power BI
  • Data Visualization Techniques
  • Advanced Analytics in Power BI
  • Designing Interactive Dashboards
  • Power Query
  • Design Power BI Reports
  • Connecting Power BI to SQL
  • Create, Share, and Collaborate on Power BI Dashboards


Class Project & Assignments:

Project 1: Education Institute’s student data analysis

Project 2: Sales Data Analysis

– Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts


Module 4: Tableau

  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Connecting Tableau to data sources
  • Data Types in Tableau
  • Data Preparation and Transformation
  • Building Visualizations in Tableau
  • Advanced Analytics in Tableau
  • Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling
  • Connecting Tableau to SQL
  • Tableau Online to collaborate, share & publish dashboards


Class Project & Assignments:

Project 1: Supermarket data analysis

Project 2: Covid Data Analysis

– Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts

– Deployment of Predictive model in Tableau


Tools Covered: Power BI, Tableau, Excel


Module 5: Excel for Analytics 

  • Introduction to Excel for Analytics
  • Basic Formulas & Function
  • Data Preparation and Cleaning
  • Charts & Graphs in Excel
  • Data Analysis Techniques in Excel
  • PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization
  • Data visualization techniques in Excel
  • Excel’s data analysis add-ins


Module 6: Apache Hadoop – Big Data Analytics

  • Overview of Big Data and Distributed Computing
  • The Hadoop ecosystem and its components
  • Architecture: HDFS and MapReduce
  • Setting Up Hadoop Environment
  • Managing files and directories in HDFS
  • Performing HDFS operations
  • MapReduce paradigm: mapper, reducer, and shuffle phases
  • Running and monitoring MapReduce jobs on Hadoop clusters
  • YARN and Hadoop Ecosystem
  • Hadoop ecosystem projects: Hive, Pig, HBase, etc.
  • Integrating Hadoop with other Big Data technologies


Tools Covered: Hadoop, Pig, Hive, HBase, Yarn MapReduce

UNIT 5: Statistical Approach for Data Science (24 Hours)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of statistical concepts for analytics & machine learning techniques with their practical applications.


Module 1: Statistics & Probability

  • Fundamentals of Math, Probability & Statistics
  • Descriptive vs inferential statistics
  • Types of data, Sample and Population
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Handling outliers & missing values in data
  • Discrete and continuous probability distributions
  • Normal distribution and central limit theorem
  • Linear Algebra, Sampling and Estimation
  • Hypothesis Testing Workflow
  • Confusion Matrix, Performance Metrics
  • P-values, Z Scores, Confidence Level
  • Significance Level, Sampling Techniques
  • Parametric Tests: T-test, Z-test, F-test, ANOVA test
  • Non-Parametric Tests: Chi-square test, Man Whitney U Test & Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
  • Regression & Classification Analysis


Class Hands-on:

Problem-solving for central tendency, ANOVA, central limit theorem & hypothesis testing Case study

UNIT 6: Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning (40 Hours)

You will learn machine learning algorithms, and model building from scratch to advance exploring various case studies to practice on real-world applications to reinforce your learning.


Module 1: Machine Learning

  • Set Theory
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Traditional coding vs Machine learning
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Model evaluation
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Analysis & Visualisation
  • Feature Engineering
  • Machine learning model building & evaluation
    • Linear Regression Model & Evaluation
    • L1 & L2 Regularization (Lasso and Ridge Regression)
    • Logistic Regression Model & Evaluation
    • K Nearest Neighbours (KNN) & Evaluation
    • Decision Tree Classifier & Regressor
    • Random Forest Classifier & Regressor
    • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff
  • Cross-validation



  • EDA for Weight Prediction task from Height (Regression task)
  • 1 project each for Regression & Classification


Module 2: Advanced Machine Learning

  • Clustering & K-means
  • K-Means Clustering Model
  • Ensemble approach
  • Bootstrapping + Aggregation = Bagging
  • Bagging vs Boosting
  • Hyperparameter Tuning for GridSearchCV
  • XGBoost Explanatory Model Building
  • Boosting Ensemble Models
  • Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
  • Handling Imbalanced Dataset
    • Resampling (Oversampling & Undersampling)
    • Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
  • Gradient Boosting
  • CatBoost
  • LightGBM
  • Support Vector Classifier (SVC) & Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    • Use of Dimensionality Reduction Technique
    • Difference with Feature Selection Techniques
  • Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)
  • Hyperparameter Tuning


Tools Covered: Pandas, Matplotlib, Sk Learn, LightGBM


Class Projects:

  • Project with practical application of Regression, Classification, and Clustering algorithms using Machine Learning concepts.
  • Case studies in various domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, marketing, supply chain, etc.) like:
  • Spam Mail Classifier using Naive Bayes Algorithm
  • Detect car Insurance Fraud Claims
  • Heart disease detection using ML


Note: All Machine Learning Algorithms will be covered in depth with real-time projects & case studies for each algorithm. Once Machine learning is completed, the Capstone Project will be released for the batch.


Module 3: Time-Series Data Analysis 

  • Introduction to time series data
  • Linear Regression Vs ARIMA model
  • Time series visualization and exploration
  • Time series decomposition
  • Stationarity and its tests
  • Autoregressive (AR) Models
  • Moving Average (MA) Models
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models
  • Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) models
  • Exponential smoothing methods


Class Projects:

  • Project to predict the number of customers of an Airline organization using Time Series Model ARIMA & SARIMAX
  • Financial Market Stock Price analysis and forecasting
  • Sales data forecasting to understand trend and seasonality


Tools Covered: SciKit Learn, Pandas, Matplotlib

UNIT 7: NLP - Natural Language Processing (16 Hours)

The NLP specialization will help you gain experience in techniques such as; text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, and building text-based models. These concepts will further help us build Machine Learning & AI models like Grammarly, ChatGPT, and Alexa.


Module 1: NLP

  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Text Preprocessing
  • Text Embedding Techniques
  • Word2Vec Text Embedding
  • Topic modeling (LDA, LSA)
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging)
  • Transformer architecture and BERT model
  • Text classification models


Class Projects:

  • To classify an email as spam or not spam
  • Social media sentiment analysis
  • Translation & summarization of News
  • Generate optimized title/headline
  • Case Study on Recommendation Engine


Tools Covered: NLTK, Spacy, BERT

UNIT 8: Intro to Deep Learning & Prompt Engineering (14 Hours)

Deep Learning, focuses on training neural networks to build a model by studying hierarchical patterns and features from the input data. On the other hand, Prompt engineering is an act of engineering a suitable output with an efficient prompt on Generative AI tools like ChatGPT.


Module 1: Introduction to Deep Learning 

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Forward Propagation in ANN
  • Backpropagation in ANN
  • Artificial Neural Network (ANN)


Class Projects

  • Diabetes detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)


Tools Covered: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch


Module 2: Prompt Engineering 

  • Exploring prompt tools
  • Understanding prompt tools & their architecture
  • Future advancement in AI and Large Language tools
  • Overview of tools like (GPT, Dall E, Midjourney Etc.)


ChatGPT: Prompt for text Generation (Natural Language Processing)

  • Introduction to NLP concept and role in GPT tools
  • ChatGPT and its architecture
  • Hands-on with ChatGPT / Microsoft Copilot prompt for Text Generation
  • Tuning ChatGPT for desired output and application


Dall E / Midjourney: Prompt for image Generation

  • Introduction to image generation using prompt
  • Exploring Midjourney / Dall E 2 & 3 / Gencraft prompt for Image generation
  • Tuning prompt for the desired output
  • Ethical consideration for AI-generated images


Synthesia for Video Generation & Slides AI for PPT creation

  • Learning prompt with Slides AI (from Google) / for PPT generation
  • Using prompt on Synthesia / Invideo AI for Video Generation


Tools Covered: ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall E, MS Copilot, Synthesia, Invideo AI, Slides AI

UNIT 9: Cloud Deployment of ML Models (32 Hours)

In this cloud deployment unit, you will learn to deploy machine learning models using AWS and Azure, two leading cloud platforms. You’ll gain proficiency in deploying, scaling, and managing models in the cloud environments through practical exercises.

Module 1: AWS

  • Introduction to Cloud Deployment for ML and AI Models
  • AWS cloud platform and its services for model deployment
  • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
  • AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
  • Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Elastic File System (EFS)
  • Model Deployment with AWS
  • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Flask
  • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Django


Module 2: Azure

  • Azure cloud platform and its services for model deployment
  • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
  • Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure
  • Model Deployment on Azure
  • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Flask
  • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Django


Tools Covered: AWS, EC2, S3, ECS, Sagemaker, Lambda, Azure, Azure ML, Flask, Django


Get a chance to win Upto 20% Scholarship

Take the test and prove your interest in Data Science and ML skill development for your better career

Advanced Data Science & AI Course Scholarship

Get a chance to win Upto 20% Scholarship

Take the test and prove your interest in Data Science and AI skill development for your better career

Industry Projects

Industry Projects

Wide Range Of Tools & Modules

What makes us Unique?

What makes us Unique?

We’ve got you covered with our Flexible Program

100% Placement Assistance

1-1 Personal mentorship Support

No Prior Coding Required

1stepGrow Data Science & Machine Learning Course focuses on Focused Group Training with Live projects

We’ve got you covered with our Flexible Program

Data Science and Machiine Learning Course

Batch Flexibility

Three years of live class support with access to various batches and instructors

Data Science and Machiine Learning Course

Class Recordings

Never miss a session with unlimited access to recorded classes

Data Science and Machiine Learning Course

Real-time Doubt Clearing

Get offline feeling in online mode: unmute, ask, and clear doubts in real time

Data Science and Machiine Learning Course

Lifetime Access

Advantage for revision: get lifetime access to class recordings and material

Program Fee & Financing

Invest in your future with quality education

Program Fee:

₹ 69,000

+ 18% GST

Financing as low as


Multiple Payment Modes




Payment Partner

Program Fee & Financing

Invest in your future with quality education

Program Fee :

₹ 69,000

+ 18% GST

Financing as low as


Multiple Payment Modes




Payment Partner

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Domain Specialization

Our Training Approach

“You remember what you do and discuss Not what you observe others doing or saying”

Three Keys to Succeed in Skills and Career

Learn by doing with expert guidance

Edgar Dale’s Learning Pyramid (1)

Our Training Approach

“You remember what you do and discuss Not what you observe others doing or saying”

Edgar Dale’s Learning Pyramid (1)

Three Keys to Succeed in Skills and Career

Learn by doing with expert guidance

What Our Students & Experts Say ?

Reviews & Recommendations

Advanced Data Science & AI Course Scholarship

Get a chance to win Upto 20% Scholarship

Take the test and prove your interest in Data Science skill development for your better career

Know More About Your Learning Options

All Answers To Your Future Career

What pre-requisite conditions are required to join the Data Science and Machine learning Course?

The Data Science Machine Learning course is for beginners and will start from the basic building blocks of data science. This course does not expect prior knowledge of programming. Prepare to be part of a life-changing discovery at this all-inclusive training center based on the industry-relevant training program to transform your career.

What will I learn in the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

The Data Science and Machine Learning Course is an online data science training program designed to make the non-programmers skilled in the area of data science and AI. You’ll learn how to:

  • Python Programming & Web Scraping
  • Machine Learning with Statistical Intuition
  • Data Analytics using Python
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • SQL, MongoDB for Data Handling
  • Data Visualization with Power BI & Tableau
  • Cloud Deployment on AWS & Azure

Visit the syllabus for the complete curriculum!

How Many Students Are in a Batch?

This is quality training with personalized attention; therefore, we have capped the maximum number of trainees per batch around 15 to 20. We realize better student-trainer interaction with smaller group sizes, ultimately leading to an enriched learning environment.

What Are the Advantages of the 2-Year Subscription to the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

For two years, students enrolled in the Data Science and Machine Learning Course have access to live class support from mentors and job referral opportunities. It also creates a cycle of continuous learning and support for students who are in training and beyond.

Indeed, the initiative serves as a stimulus to keep students in line with the current industrial trends and their employability.

What is the Duration of the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

The Data Science and Machine Learning Course lasts approximately 280 hours (around 8 months) and includes online sessions, practice projects, and training for interviews.

The course allows students to take classes on weekdays or weekends:

  • Weekday Batch: 6 months, Monday to Friday, 2 hours/day

Weekend Batch: 8 months, Saturday and Sunday, 3 to 4 hours/day

How Will the Data Science and Machine Learning Course Help My Career?

This Data Science and Machine Learning course significantly hones the candidate’s skills and, offers exposure to the real world with real time projects. The demand for skillful data professionals has risen beyond imagination; however, this course has made the candidate even more employable and has given them highly advanced skills in the use of modern approaches and tools in data sciences, as well as industry practices that run those advanced careers, giving them an advantage in a cutthroat marketplace.

Are there any Evaluation or Examinations Included During the Course?

Indeed, this course comprises examinations and tests pertaining to various aspects on the Data Science and Machine Learning Course to test one’s prowess. These separate embed assessments and projects forming part of the course wherein mastery of both the concepts and practical applications is assured. These assessments, assignments, and projects design feedback as means for improvement and to further ensure students have really been prepared for the real world.

Am I Allowed to Change Between Weekday Batch and Weekend Batch or Vice-Versa?

Yes. If the requirement do arise, you may contact our support for transfer requirements, and they will find the best solutions to arrange transfer from one batch to another, as per the seat availability.

Is There Any Practical Training Involved in the Course?

Yes, it is very much a practical course-the Data Science and Machine Learning Course – where students would have to work on real-world projects to learn the skills they can apply to the real-time problems faced in data science and AI today. Such practice exposure will help build confidence and ability to work on bona-fide, industry-relevant projects.

What Are Real-Time Projects and How Do They Help?

The Data Science Machine Learning Course discusses live projects based on industry data, to which sensitive information has been masked for confidentiality. Real-time projects help the students test what they have learned regarding concepts and algorithms on a real dataset, thus learning the practical experience. This course has 15 real-time industry projects, covering various scenarios, and will enable students to apply knowledge learned practically before facing challenges in the real world.

How Many Capstone Projects Are Part of the Data Scaince and Machine Learning Course?

The data science course includes 2 Capstone projects from scratch to end. They require students to utilize their knowledge gained within real-world scenarios, providing very valuable hands-on learning experience.

What is Job Assistance in the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

Our Job Assistance Program offers you the employment assistance you need to land your dream job. It includes:

  • Profile Building on GitHub & LinkedIn
    Craft professional profiles to showcase your skills and projects.
  • Resume Preparation
    Optimize your resume for ATS systems with qualifications and experience.
  • Mock Interviews
    Practice with mock interviews to build confidence and refine your skills.

Job Interviews
Referrals to help you connect with prospective employers in the industry.

How Many Job Referrals Will Be Provided?

During the entire period of subscription to the Data Science Machine Learning Course, unlimited job referrals shall be available for the students. We have been continually busy in referring your profile to our extensive network of partner consultancies and companies in order to provide maximum job opportunities.

What’s the Eligibility for Job Assistance at 1stepGrow?

To qualify for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you must meet these criteria:

  • Complete and submit all assignments on time.
  • Submit real-time project work.
  • Successfully complete and submit the Capstone projects.

What Is the Fee for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

The total fee for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course is INR 69,000/- plus 18% GST.

Is There a Loan Option Available for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

Yes, we offer flexible payment options for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course. You can choose to pay the fees in installments through a no-cost EMI (Interest free loan option) plan through our banking partner, with payments of approx. INR 6,785 per month for a 12-month period.To avail of this, you will need to submit your or applicant’s Aadhar, PAN, 3-month salary slip, and other necessary documents.

What Are the Different Modes of Payment Available?

We offer multiple payment methods for your convenience:

  • Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
  • Net Banking
  • Bank Transfer
  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
  • Visa
  • Zero-cost EMI
Advanced Data Science & AI Course Book Counselling

Have any questions in mind?

Talk to our team directly

Reach out to us and your career guide will get
in touch with you shortly

Know More About Your Learning Options

All Answers To Your Future Career

What pre-requisite conditions are required to join the Data Science and Machine learning Course?

The Data Science Machine Learning course is for beginners and will start from the basic building blocks of data science. This course does not expect prior knowledge of programming. Prepare to be part of a life-changing discovery at this all-inclusive training center based on the industry-relevant training program to transform your career.

What will I learn in the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

The Data Science and Machine Learning Course is an online data science training program designed to make the non-programmers skilled in the area of data science and AI. You’ll learn how to:

  • Python Programming & Web Scraping
  • Machine Learning with Statistical Intuition
  • Data Analytics using Python
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • SQL, MongoDB for Data Handling
  • Data Visualization with Power BI & Tableau
  • Cloud Deployment on AWS & Azure

Visit the syllabus for the complete curriculum!

How Many Students Are in a Batch?

This is quality training with personalized attention; therefore, we have capped the maximum number of trainees per batch around 15 to 20. We realize better student-trainer interaction with smaller group sizes, ultimately leading to an enriched learning environment.

What Are the Advantages of the 2-Year Subscription to the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

For two years, students enrolled in the Data Science and Machine Learning Course have access to live class support from mentors and job referral opportunities. It also creates a cycle of continuous learning and support for students who are in training and beyond.

Indeed, the initiative serves as a stimulus to keep students in line with the current industrial trends and their employability.

What is the Duration of the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

The Data Science and Machine Learning Course lasts approximately 280 hours (around 8 months) and includes online sessions, practice projects, and training for interviews.

The course allows students to take classes on weekdays or weekends:

  • Weekday Batch: 6 months, Monday to Friday, 2 hours/day

Weekend Batch: 8 months, Saturday and Sunday, 3 to 4 hours/day

How Will the Data Science and Machine Learning Course Help My Career?

This Data Science and Machine Learning course significantly hones the candidate’s skills and, offers exposure to the real world with real time projects. The demand for skillful data professionals has risen beyond imagination; however, this course has made the candidate even more employable and has given them highly advanced skills in the use of modern approaches and tools in data sciences, as well as industry practices that run those advanced careers, giving them an advantage in a cutthroat marketplace.

Are there any Evaluation or Examinations Included During the Course?

Indeed, this course comprises examinations and tests pertaining to various aspects on the Data Science and Machine Learning Course to test one’s prowess. These separate embed assessments and projects forming part of the course wherein mastery of both the concepts and practical applications is assured. These assessments, assignments, and projects design feedback as means for improvement and to further ensure students have really been prepared for the real world.

Am I Allowed to Change Between Weekday Batch and Weekend Batch or Vice-Versa?

Yes. If the requirement do arise, you may contact our support for transfer requirements, and they will find the best solutions to arrange transfer from one batch to another, as per the seat availability.

Is There Any Practical Training Involved in the Course?

Yes, it is very much a practical course-the Data Science and Machine Learning Course – where students would have to work on real-world projects to learn the skills they can apply to the real-time problems faced in data science and AI today. Such practice exposure will help build confidence and ability to work on bona-fide, industry-relevant projects.

What Are Real-Time Projects and How Do They Help?

The Data Science Machine Learning Course discusses live projects based on industry data, to which sensitive information has been masked for confidentiality. Real-time projects help the students test what they have learned regarding concepts and algorithms on a real dataset, thus learning the practical experience. This course has 15 real-time industry projects, covering various scenarios, and will enable students to apply knowledge learned practically before facing challenges in the real world.

How Many Capstone Projects Are Part of the Data Scaince and Machine Learning Course?

The data science course includes 2 Capstone projects from scratch to end. They require students to utilize their knowledge gained within real-world scenarios, providing very valuable hands-on learning experience.

What is Job Assistance in the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

Our Job Assistance Program offers you the employment assistance you need to land your dream job. It includes:

  • Profile Building on GitHub & LinkedIn
    Craft professional profiles to showcase your skills and projects.
  • Resume Preparation
    Optimize your resume for ATS systems with qualifications and experience.
  • Mock Interviews
    Practice with mock interviews to build confidence and refine your skills.

Job Interviews
Referrals to help you connect with prospective employers in the industry.

How Many Job Referrals Will Be Provided?

During the entire period of subscription to the Data Science Machine Learning Course, unlimited job referrals shall be available for the students. We have been continually busy in referring your profile to our extensive network of partner consultancies and companies in order to provide maximum job opportunities.

What’s the Eligibility for Job Assistance at 1stepGrow?

To qualify for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you must meet these criteria:

  • Complete and submit all assignments on time.
  • Submit real-time project work.
  • Successfully complete and submit the Capstone projects.

What Is the Fee for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

The total fee for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course is INR 69,000/- plus 18% GST.

Is There a Loan Option Available for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course?

Yes, we offer flexible payment options for the Data Science and Machine Learning Course. You can choose to pay the fees in installments through a no-cost EMI (Interest free loan option) plan through our banking partner, with payments of approx. INR 6,785 per month for a 12-month period.To avail of this, you will need to submit your or applicant’s Aadhar, PAN, 3-month salary slip, and other necessary documents.

What Are the Different Modes of Payment Available?

We offer multiple payment methods for your convenience:

  • Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
  • Net Banking
  • Bank Transfer
  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
  • Visa
  • Zero-cost EMI

Have any questions in mind?

Talk to our team directly

Reach out to us and your career guide will get
in touch with you shortly