Full Stack Artificial Intelligence
& Data Science Course

partnered with AI Companies and

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Data Science and Artificial Intelligence course

Trainers from IIT, NIT and Top MNCs

Full Stack Artificial Intelligence
& Data Science Course

Partnered with AI Companies and Microsoft

Trainers from IIT, NIT and Top MNC’s

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Data Science and Machine Learning Course
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Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Full Stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Course Overview

Full Stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Course Overview

The comprehensive Full-stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science course offers in-depth training in Python programming, covering topics such as Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. It also includes instruction in Database Management System, Data Visualization with Power BI & Tableau, and version control using GitHub. By completing this course, you will acquire extensive knowledge and proficiency in essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python.

The comprehensive Full-stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science course offers in-depth training in Python programming, covering topics such as Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. It also includes instruction in Database Management System, Data Visualization with Power BI & Tableau, and version control using GitHub. By completing this course, you will acquire extensive knowledge and proficiency in essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python.

Full-stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Program Key Features

Skills Covered

100% Live Interactive Sessions

100% Live Interactive Sessions

Skills Covered

Skills Covered


Data science is witnessing an exponential surge in demand in India, projected to grow by 200% by 2026. This surge makes it an attractive and profitable career choice. Additionally, India ranks second globally in recruiting data science professionals, and the industry is expected to reach a remarkable value of USD 119 billion by 2026, creating an impressive 11 million job opportunities.

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Grow your Data Science & AI skills to be Future-Ready

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Grow your Data Science & AI skills to be Future-Ready

Dual Certification

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Microsoft Certification

Microsoft Certification

Be in demand with Microsoft certification

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Real Work Experience Certificate

Real-world experience for a competitive edge

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Real Work Experience Certificate

Gain Competitive Edge with Real-World Work Experience

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Who This Program Is For?

Who This Program Is For?

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course, data science bootcamp


Tech degree with good academic performance

Work experience

Open to all levels of experience

Career stage

Early to mid-career professionals seeking data expertise


Aspiration for data-driven excellence and strategic optimization


Tech degree with good academic performance

Work experience

Open to all levels of experience

Career Stage

Early to mid-career professionals seeking data expertise


Aspiration for data-driven excellence and strategic optimization

Leverage our vast industry network's influence

Partnered With 280+ Companies

Partnered With 280+ Companies


Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

1stepGrow offers a comprehensive Artificial Intelligence and Data Science course, designed by industry experts. The program includes hands-on learning with real-world projects, live interactive classes, and guaranteed job referrals. Immerse yourself in the world of data and AI for practical experience and a competitive edge in the job market.

Program Highlights

1stepGrow offers a comprehensive Artificial Intelligence and Data Science course, designed by industry experts. The program includes hands-on learning with real-world projects, live interactive classes, and guaranteed job referrals. Immerse yourself in the world of data and AI for practical experience and a competitive edge in the job market.

UNIT 1: Introduction to Full-stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Course

Module 1: Introduction To Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • Overview of Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to key concepts and definitions
  • Understanding the role and significance of data in modern applications
  • Exploring data sources and types
  • Basic statistical analysis and visualization techniques
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Real-world Examples of Practical applications in various industries
  • Introduction to relevant tools, libraries, and programming languages
  • Python Installation and basic usage capabilities

UNIT 2: Version Control System & Portfolio Building

Module 1: Git & GitHub (Version Control Systems)

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to Git, a version control system, and GitHub, a popular platform for collaborative software development. Learn to effectively share and store work using these tools.


Introduction to Version Control Systems

  • Overview of version control systems
  • Benefits of using Git for version control

Git Basics

  • Installation and setup of Git
  • Initializing a Git repository
  • Understanding the Git workflow: staging, committing, and branching
  • Managing and navigating Git history

Working with Git Remotely

  • Introduction to remote repositories
  • Cloning a repository from GitHub
  • Pushing and pulling changes to/from remote repositories

Collaborating with GitHub

  • Introduction to GitHub and its features
  • Forking and cloning repositories
  • Creating and managing branches
  • Pull requests and code review
Module 2: LinkedIn Profile building

This course provides a comprehensive guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile for professional success and networking opportunities.

  • Introduction to LinkedIn and Personal Branding
  • Profile Basics
  • Showcasing Skills and Accomplishments
  • Increasing Visibility and Engagement
  • Leveraging LinkedIn Features
  • Best Practices for Profile Optimization

UNIT 3: Python for Data Science & AI

Python is a versatile programming language widely used in data analytics and data science. With its rich libraries and frameworks like NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn, Python enables efficient data manipulation, analysis, and modelling, making it an essential tool for extracting insights from data.

Module 1: Core Python Programming
  • Python Environment Setup
  • Basic operations in Python
  • Introduction to 14 data types of Python
  • Numeric Data Types with modules
  • Operators in Python
  • Decision & Loop Controls
  • Project: Build a simple calculator
Module 2: Data Structures & Algorithms in Python List, Tuples & Sets
  • Dictionary and Hashing
  • Strings & Regular Expressions
  • Stacks and Queues
  • Linked List
  • Trees and Binary Search Trees
  • Sorting and Searching Algorithms
  • Project: Implement a contact management system
Module 3: Advance Python Programming
  • Functions & Modules
  • Lambda Functions
  • Regular Expressions (RegEx)
  • File Handling and Input/Output
  • Exception Handling & Custom Exceptions
  • Generators & Decorators
Module 4: Web Scraping using Python
  • Introduction to Web Scraping
  • Introduction to Web Requests & HTTP
  • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
  • Project: Scrape and Analyze Data from a Website
Module 5: OOPs in Python
  • Understanding Classes and Objects
  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
  • Abstraction and Interfaces
  • Method Overriding and Overloading
  • Class Variables and Instance Variables
Module 6: Python For Analytics


  • Introduction to NumPy arrays and operations
  • Array indexing and slicing
  • Mathematical functions and statistical operations
  • Array reshaping and manipulation
  • Linear algebra with NumPy
  • Introduction to NumPy broadcasting


  • Introduction to Pandas data structures (Series and DataFrame)
  • Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques
  • Data exploration and manipulation using Pandas
  • Handling missing data and outliers
  • Aggregating and summarizing data
  • Merging and joining datasets in Pandas


  • Introduction to Matplotlib and its plotting capabilities
  • Creating line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, and histograms
  • Customizing plot aesthetics and adding annotations
  • Creating subplots and multiple axes
  • Plotting with categorical variables
  • Visualizing trends and patterns in data using Matplotlib


  • Introduction to Seaborn and its statistical visualization capabilities
  • Creating various types of plots such as scatter plots, box plots, and violin plots
  • Customizing plot aesthetics and colour palettes
  • Visualizing relationships between variables with regression plots and heatmaps
  • Creating facet grids for multi-plot visualizations
  • Exploring advanced visualization techniques in Seaborn


EDA Project

Analyze Data to Gain Insights and Identify Patterns – Use concepts like Remove duplicates, handle missing values, Calculate basic statistics like mean, median, and standard deviation to summarize the data. Create charts and graphs to visualize trends, patterns, and data behaviour.

Tools: Python: Jupyter Notebook – Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib and Seaborn for analysis

UNIT 4: Statistics & Machine Learning

Statistics and Machine Learning involve analyzing and interpreting data to gain insights and make predictions. Statistics focuses on data description, inference, and hypothesis testing, while Machine Learning involves developing algorithms and models to learn patterns and make predictions from data.

Module 1: Statistics & Probability
  • Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive and inferential statistics, types of data
  • Probability Theory: Probability rules, random variables, probability distributions
  • Sampling and Estimation: Sampling techniques, point and interval estimation
  • Hypothesis Testing: Null and alternative hypotheses, significance level, p-value
  • Regression Analysis: Simple and multiple linear regression, model fitting and interpretation
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): One-way and two-way ANOVA, post-hoc tests
  • Non-parametric Methods: Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Module 2: Machine Learning
  • Introduction to Machine Learning: Supervised and unsupervised learning, model evaluation
  • Linear Models: Linear regression, logistic regression, regularization techniques like lasso and ridge regression
  • Evaluation metrics for regression and classification models
  • Decision Trees and Random Forests: Tree-based models, ensemble methods with regression and classification projects
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM): Linear and nonlinear SVM, kernel methods with regression and classification projects
  • Clustering Algorithms: K-means, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN
  • Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), feature selection
  • Other models: K-NN, Naive Bayes’, Boosting Algorithms – AdaBoost, CatBoost, XGBoost
  • Model Evaluation and Validation: Cross-validation, performance metrics, overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff
  • Model Selection and Tuning: Grid search, hyperparameter optimization, model deployment

UNIT 5: Time-Series Data Analysis & NLP

Time-Series Data Analysis involves studying data points collected over time to uncover patterns, trends, and seasonality. It is used in forecasting and predicting future values. Text Data Analysis involves processing and extracting insights from unstructured textual data, such as sentiment analysis, topic modelling, and text classification.

Module 1: Time-Series Data Analysis
  • Introduction to time series data
  • Time series visualization and exploration
  • Time series decomposition
  • Stationarity and its tests
  • Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation analysis
  • ARIMA models for time series forecasting
  • Seasonal ARIMA models (SARIMA)
  • Exponential smoothing methods
  • Evaluating time series models
Module 2: Text Data Analysis (Natural Language Processing)
  • Introduction to NLP and text data
  • Text preprocessing techniques (tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, etc.)
  • Bag-of-Words model and TF-IDF
  • Text classification using machine learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, SVM, etc.)
  • Sentiment analysis using NLP techniques
  • Topic modeling (LDA, LSA)
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Word embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe)

UNIT 6: Reinforcement Learning & Deep Learning

Reinforcement Learning is a subfield of machine learning where an agent learns to make sequential decisions by interacting with an environment. Deep Learning, on the other hand, is a subset of machine learning that focuses on using artificial neural networks to model and understand complex patterns in data.


Module 1: Reinforcement Learning

  • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
  • Markov Decision Processes
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Monte Carlo Methods
  • Temporal Difference Learning
  • Q-Learning and SARSA
  • Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning
  • Policy Gradient Methods
  • Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
  • Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning.


Module 2: Deep Learning & Computer Vision 

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Introduction to Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural
    Network (CNN)
    • Filter
    • Padding
    • Edge Detection by Vertical and Horizontal Edge Filters
    • Pooling (Min, Max, Average & Weighted Average)
  • Introduction to OpenCV in Python, Installation of OpenCV and
    related packages
  • Hands On – Image Processing using OpenCV
  • Hands On – Image Manipulations using OpenCV
  • Hands On – Image segmentation using Open CV
  • Hands On – Identifying Contours using OpenCV
  • Hands On – Object Detection in OpenCV
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
  • Generative Models (e.g., Variational Autoencoders, Generative
    Adversarial Networks)
  • LSTM (Long short-term memory)
  • Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning
  • Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Advanced Architectures (e.g., Transformers, Capsule Networks)
  • Explainability and Interpretability in Deep Learning
  • Image Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Semantic Segmentation
  • Face Recognition
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Project – Objects/Persons Tracking, Road Lane Detection.


Module 3: Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs)

  • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Network
  • Context Awareness – Attention Mechanism, Multi-head attention
  • Transformers Architecture – Encoders & Decoders, Dummy Tasks: Masked Language Modelling (MLM) & Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)
  • BERT (Encoder Decoder Architecture) vs GPT (Decoder Architecture)
  • Introduction to Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT) – Text Generation: Word Generation, Sentence Generation
  • ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-Turbo & GPT-4 model) and Open Source Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Basic Text Generation Model vs Chat Model: Reinforcement Learning Human Feedback (RLHF)
  • Prompts, Contexts and Structure of Prompts
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Fine-tuning: Concepts of Text Embeddings, Text Similarity
  • Image Generation: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Auto Encoders & Variational Autoencoders
  • Project – Domain specific (eg: Healthcare) Chatbot

UNIT 7: Database Management Tools

Database management involves the storage, organization, and retrieval of data. Structured databases use predefined schemas and are suitable for tabular data, while unstructured databases store data in flexible formats like text, images, and multimedia. Both are essential for efficient data management in various applications.

Module 1: SQL – Structured Database Management System

Introduction to SQL

SQL Basics

Advanced SQL Queries

    • Joins, subqueries and nested queries
    • Aggregating data, functions and expressions
    • Modifying data & Creating views

Database Design and Normalization

Advanced Database Concepts

    • Indexing and query optimization
    • Stored procedures, functions, and triggers
    • User-defined types and objects
Module 2: MongoDB – Unstructured Database Management System

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB Basics

Advanced MongoDB Queries

    • Indexing and query optimization
    • Aggregation, joins, geospatial queries
    • Using text search and full-text search indexes

MongoDB Administration

    • Managing user access and roles
    • Sharding for horizontal scaling

MongoDB and Programming Languages

    • Integrating MongoDB with Python programming languages 
    • CRUD operations using programming languages

UNIT 8: Data Visualization & Analytics Tools

Data Visualization is presenting data in visual formats such as charts, graphs, and maps to facilitate understanding and gain insights. We can use various tools. This course covers 3 of the most popular data visualization & analytics tools to add in your arsenal: Power BI, Tableau & Excel for Data Analytics

Module 1: Power BI

Introduction to Power BI

Data Preparation and Modeling

Data Visualization Techniques

    • Different types of visualizations
    • Creating interactive and dynamic visualizations
    • Formatting and customizing visual elements
    • Utilizing slicers and filters for data exploration

Advanced Analytics in Power BI

    • Implementing advanced calculations using DAX expressions
    • Incorporating statistical functions and forecasting
    • Utilizing advanced visuals and custom visuals
    • Applying business intelligence best practices

Power BI Sharing and Collaboration

Module 2: Tableau

Introduction to Tableau

Data Preparation and Transformation

Building Visualizations in Tableau

    • Creating charts, graphs, and maps
    • Utilizing marks, dimensions, and measures
    • Implementing filters and sets for data exploration
    • Adding interactivity and drill-down functionality

Advanced Analytics in Tableau

    • Implementing calculations using Tableau’s calculation language
    • Incorporating statistical functions and forecasting
    • Working with parameters and input controls
    • Creating advanced visualizations (e.g., heat maps, tree maps)

Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling

Tableau Sharing and Collaboration

Module 3: Excel for Analytics

Introduction to Excel for Analytics

Data Preparation and Cleaning

Data Analysis Techniques in Excel

    • Exploring statistical analysis functions in Excel
    • Using PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization
    • Performing what-if analysis and goal-seeking
    • Applying data visualization techniques in Excel

Advanced Excel Analytics

    • Implementing advanced functions and formulas (e.g., INDEX, MATCH, VLOOKUP)
    • Utilizing Excel’s Power Query and Power Pivot for data modelling
    • Incorporating Excel’s data analysis add-ins (e.g., Solver, Analysis ToolPak)

UNIT 9: Big Data Tools

The process of collecting, storing, and processing large volumes of data from various sources to extract valuable insights. Tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka enable efficient handling, analysis, and integration of big data for decision-making and data-driven applications.

Module 1: Apache Hadoop
  • Introduction to Apache Hadoop
  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • Hadoop MapReduce
  • Hadoop Ecosystem Tools – Hive, Pig, HBase, Sqoop
  • Hadoop Administration and Monitoring
Module 2: Apache Spark
  • Introduction to Apache Spark
  • Spark Core
  • Spark Streaming
  • Spark Machine Learning Library (MLlib)
  • Spark Graph Processing (GraphX)

UNIT 10: Cloud Deployment Tools

The process of deploying machine learning models and data science applications on cloud platforms, enabling scalable and accessible solutions for real-time predictions and insights.

Module 1: AWS
  • Introduction to AWS
  • Setting Up AWS Environment
  • Model Deployment using AWS SageMaker / Lambda / ECS and Docker
Module 2: Azure
  • Introduction to Azure
  • Describe AI workloads & considerations
  • Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure
  • Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure
  • Describe features of natural language processing (NLP) workloads on Azure
  • Azure Machine Learning Studio
  • Azure Functions for Serverless Deployment
  • Model Deployment with Azure Container Instances
Module 3: Heroku
  • Introduction to Heroku
  • Deploying Machine Learning Models with Heroku
  • Monitoring and optimizing the deployed application

    UNIT 1: Introduction to Full-stack Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Course

    Module 1: Introduction To Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
    • Overview of Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
    • Introduction to key concepts and definitions
    • Understanding the role and significance of data in modern applications
    • Exploring data sources and types
    • Basic statistical analysis and visualization techniques
    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Real-world Examples of Practical applications in various industries
    • Introduction to relevant tools, libraries, and programming languages
    • Python Installation and basic usage capabilities

    UNIT 2: Version Control System & Portfolio Building

    Module 1: Git & GitHub (Version Control Systems)

    This course offers a comprehensive introduction to Git, a version control system, and GitHub, a popular platform for collaborative software development. Learn to effectively share and store work using these tools.


    Introduction to Version Control Systems

    • Overview of version control systems
    • Benefits of using Git for version control

    Git Basics

    • Installation and setup of Git
    • Initializing a Git repository
    • Understanding the Git workflow: staging, committing, and branching
    • Managing and navigating Git history

    Working with Git Remotely

    • Introduction to remote repositories
    • Cloning a repository from GitHub
    • Pushing and pulling changes to/from remote repositories

    Collaborating with GitHub

    • Introduction to GitHub and its features
    • Forking and cloning repositories
    • Creating and managing branches
    • Pull requests and code review
    Module 2: LinkedIn Profile building

    This course provides a comprehensive guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile for professional success and networking opportunities.

    • Introduction to LinkedIn and Personal Branding
    • Profile Basics
    • Showcasing Skills and Accomplishments
    • Increasing Visibility and Engagement
    • Leveraging LinkedIn Features
    • Best Practices for Profile Optimization

    UNIT 3: Python for Data Science & AI

    Python is a versatile programming language widely used in data analytics and data science. With its rich libraries and frameworks like NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn, Python enables efficient data manipulation, analysis, and modelling, making it an essential tool for extracting insights from data.

    Module 1: Core Python Programming
    • Python Environment Setup
    • Basic operations in Python
    • Introduction to 14 data types of Python
    • Numeric Data Types with modules
    • Operators in Python
    • Decision & Loop Controls
    • Project: Build a simple calculator
    Module 2: Data Structures & Algorithms in Python List, Tuples & Sets
    • Dictionary and Hashing
    • Strings & Regular Expressions
    • Stacks and Queues
    • Linked List
    • Trees and Binary Search Trees
    • Sorting and Searching Algorithms
    • Project: Implement a contact management system
    Module 3: Advance Python Programming
    • Functions & Modules
    • Lambda Functions
    • Regular Expressions (RegEx)
    • File Handling and Input/Output
    • Exception Handling & Custom Exceptions
    • Generators & Decorators
    Module 4: Web Scraping using Python
    • Introduction to Web Scraping
    • Introduction to Web Requests & HTTP
    • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
    • Project: Scrape and Analyze Data from a Website
    Module 5: OOPs in Python
    • Understanding Classes and Objects
    • Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
    • Abstraction and Interfaces
    • Method Overriding and Overloading
    • Class Variables and Instance Variables
    Module 6: Python For Analytics


    • Introduction to NumPy arrays and operations
    • Array indexing and slicing
    • Mathematical functions and statistical operations
    • Array reshaping and manipulation
    • Linear algebra with NumPy
    • Introduction to NumPy broadcasting


    • Introduction to Pandas data structures (Series and DataFrame)
    • Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques
    • Data exploration and manipulation using Pandas
    • Handling missing data and outliers
    • Aggregating and summarizing data
    • Merging and joining datasets in Pandas


    • Introduction to Matplotlib and its plotting capabilities
    • Creating line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, and histograms
    • Customizing plot aesthetics and adding annotations
    • Creating subplots and multiple axes
    • Plotting with categorical variables
    • Visualizing trends and patterns in data using Matplotlib


    • Introduction to Seaborn and its statistical visualization capabilities
    • Creating various types of plots such as scatter plots, box plots, and violin plots
    • Customizing plot aesthetics and colour palettes
    • Visualizing relationships between variables with regression plots and heatmaps
    • Creating facet grids for multi-plot visualizations
    • Exploring advanced visualization techniques in Seaborn


    EDA Project

    Analyze Data to Gain Insights and Identify Patterns – Use concepts like Remove duplicates, handle missing values, Calculate basic statistics like mean, median, and standard deviation to summarize the data. Create charts and graphs to visualize trends, patterns, and data behaviour.

    Tools: Python: Jupyter Notebook – Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib and Seaborn for analysis

    UNIT 4: Statistics & Machine Learning

    Statistics and Machine Learning involve analyzing and interpreting data to gain insights and make predictions. Statistics focuses on data description, inference, and hypothesis testing, while Machine Learning involves developing algorithms and models to learn patterns and make predictions from data.

    Module 1: Statistics & Probability
    • Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive and inferential statistics, types of data
    • Probability Theory: Probability rules, random variables, probability distributions
    • Sampling and Estimation: Sampling techniques, point and interval estimation
    • Hypothesis Testing: Null and alternative hypotheses, significance level, p-value
    • Regression Analysis: Simple and multiple linear regression, model fitting and interpretation
    • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): One-way and two-way ANOVA, post-hoc tests
    • Non-parametric Methods: Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test
    Module 2: Machine Learning
    • Introduction to Machine Learning: Supervised and unsupervised learning, model evaluation
    • Linear Models: Linear regression, logistic regression, regularization techniques like lasso and ridge regression
    • Evaluation metrics for regression and classification models
    • Decision Trees and Random Forests: Tree-based models, ensemble methods with regression and classification projects
    • Support Vector Machines (SVM): Linear and nonlinear SVM, kernel methods with regression and classification projects
    • Clustering Algorithms: K-means, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN
    • Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), feature selection
    • Other models: K-NN, Naive Bayes’, Boosting Algorithms – AdaBoost, CatBoost, XGBoost
    • Model Evaluation and Validation: Cross-validation, performance metrics, overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff
    • Model Selection and Tuning: Grid search, hyperparameter optimization, model deployment

    UNIT 5: Time-Series Data Analysis & NLP

    Time-Series Data Analysis involves studying data points collected over time to uncover patterns, trends, and seasonality. It is used in forecasting and predicting future values. Text Data Analysis involves processing and extracting insights from unstructured textual data, such as sentiment analysis, topic modelling, and text classification.

    Module 1: Time-Series Data Analysis
    • Introduction to time series data
    • Time series visualization and exploration
    • Time series decomposition
    • Stationarity and its tests
    • Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation analysis
    • ARIMA models for time series forecasting
    • Seasonal ARIMA models (SARIMA)
    • Exponential smoothing methods
    • Evaluating time series models
    Module 2: Text Data Analysis (Natural Language Processing)
    • Introduction to NLP and text data
    • Text preprocessing techniques (tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, etc.)
    • Bag-of-Words model and TF-IDF
    • Text classification using machine learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, SVM, etc.)
    • Sentiment analysis using NLP techniques
    • Topic modeling (LDA, LSA)
    • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
    • Word embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe)

    UNIT 6: Reinforcement Learning & Deep Learning

    Reinforcement Learning is a subfield of machine learning where an agent learns to make sequential decisions by interacting with an environment. Deep Learning, on the other hand, is a subset of machine learning that focuses on using artificial neural networks to model and understand complex patterns in data.


    Module 1: Reinforcement Learning

    • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
    • Markov Decision Processes
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Monte Carlo Methods
    • Temporal Difference Learning
    • Q-Learning and SARSA
    • Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning
    • Policy Gradient Methods
    • Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
    • Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning.


    Module 2: Deep Learning & Computer Vision 

    • Introduction to Deep Learning
    • Artificial Neural Networks
    • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
    • Introduction to Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural
      Network (CNN)
      • Filter
      • Padding
      • Edge Detection by Vertical and Horizontal Edge Filters
      • Pooling (Min, Max, Average & Weighted Average)
    • Introduction to OpenCV in Python, Installation of OpenCV and
      related packages
    • Hands On – Image Processing using OpenCV
    • Hands On – Image Manipulations using OpenCV
    • Hands On – Image segmentation using Open CV
    • Hands On – Identifying Contours using OpenCV
    • Hands On – Object Detection in OpenCV
    • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
    • Generative Models (e.g., Variational Autoencoders, Generative
      Adversarial Networks)
    • LSTM (Long short-term memory)
    • Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning
    • Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning
    • Hyperparameter Tuning
    • Advanced Architectures (e.g., Transformers, Capsule Networks)
    • Explainability and Interpretability in Deep Learning
    • Image Classification
    • Object Detection
    • Semantic Segmentation
    • Face Recognition
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • Project – Objects/Persons Tracking, Road Lane Detection.


    Module 3: Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs)

    • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Network
    • Context Awareness – Attention Mechanism, Multi-head attention
    • Transformers Architecture – Encoders & Decoders, Dummy Tasks: Masked Language Modelling (MLM) & Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)
    • BERT (Encoder Decoder Architecture) vs GPT (Decoder Architecture)
    • Introduction to Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT) – Text Generation: Word Generation, Sentence Generation
    • ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-Turbo & GPT-4 model) and Open Source Large Language Models (LLMs)
    • Basic Text Generation Model vs Chat Model: Reinforcement Learning Human Feedback (RLHF)
    • Prompts, Contexts and Structure of Prompts
    • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Fine-tuning: Concepts of Text Embeddings, Text Similarity
    • Image Generation: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Auto Encoders & Variational Autoencoders
    • Project – Domain specific (eg: Healthcare) Chatbot

    UNIT 7: Database Management Tools

    Database management involves the storage, organization, and retrieval of data. Structured databases use predefined schemas and are suitable for tabular data, while unstructured databases store data in flexible formats like text, images, and multimedia. Both are essential for efficient data management in various applications.

    Module 1: SQL – Structured Database Management System

    Introduction to SQL

    SQL Basics

    Advanced SQL Queries

      • Joins, subqueries and nested queries
      • Aggregating data, functions and expressions
      • Modifying data & Creating views

    Database Design and Normalization

    Advanced Database Concepts

      • Indexing and query optimization
      • Stored procedures, functions, and triggers
      • User-defined types and objects
    Module 2: MongoDB – Unstructured Database Management System

    Introduction to MongoDB

    MongoDB Basics

    Advanced MongoDB Queries

      • Indexing and query optimization
      • Aggregation, joins, geospatial queries
      • Using text search and full-text search indexes

    MongoDB Administration

      • Managing user access and roles
      • Sharding for horizontal scaling

    MongoDB and Programming Languages

      • Integrating MongoDB with Python programming languages 
      • CRUD operations using programming languages

    UNIT 8: Data Visualization & Analytics Tools

    Data Visualization is presenting data in visual formats such as charts, graphs, and maps to facilitate understanding and gain insights. We can use various tools. This course covers 3 of the most popular data visualization & analytics tools to add in your arsenal: Power BI, Tableau & Excel for Data Analytics

    Module 1: Power BI

    Introduction to Power BI

    Data Preparation and Modeling

    Data Visualization Techniques

      • Different types of visualizations
      • Creating interactive and dynamic visualizations
      • Formatting and customizing visual elements
      • Utilizing slicers and filters for data exploration

    Advanced Analytics in Power BI

      • Implementing advanced calculations using DAX expressions
      • Incorporating statistical functions and forecasting
      • Utilizing advanced visuals and custom visuals
      • Applying business intelligence best practices

    Power BI Sharing and Collaboration

    Module 2: Tableau

    Introduction to Tableau

    Data Preparation and Transformation

    Building Visualizations in Tableau

      • Creating charts, graphs, and maps
      • Utilizing marks, dimensions, and measures
      • Implementing filters and sets for data exploration
      • Adding interactivity and drill-down functionality

    Advanced Analytics in Tableau

      • Implementing calculations using Tableau’s calculation language
      • Incorporating statistical functions and forecasting
      • Working with parameters and input controls
      • Creating advanced visualizations (e.g., heat maps, tree maps)

    Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling

    Tableau Sharing and Collaboration

    Module 3: Excel for Analytics

    Introduction to Excel for Analytics

    Data Preparation and Cleaning

    Data Analysis Techniques in Excel

      • Exploring statistical analysis functions in Excel
      • Using PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization
      • Performing what-if analysis and goal-seeking
      • Applying data visualization techniques in Excel

    Advanced Excel Analytics

      • Implementing advanced functions and formulas (e.g., INDEX, MATCH, VLOOKUP)
      • Utilizing Excel’s Power Query and Power Pivot for data modelling
      • Incorporating Excel’s data analysis add-ins (e.g., Solver, Analysis ToolPak)

    UNIT 9: Big Data Tools

    The process of collecting, storing, and processing large volumes of data from various sources to extract valuable insights. Tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka enable efficient handling, analysis, and integration of big data for decision-making and data-driven applications.

    Module 1: Apache Hadoop
    • Introduction to Apache Hadoop
    • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
    • Hadoop MapReduce
    • Hadoop Ecosystem Tools – Hive, Pig, HBase, Sqoop
    • Hadoop Administration and Monitoring
    Module 2: Apache Spark
    • Introduction to Apache Spark
    • Spark Core
    • Spark Streaming
    • Spark Machine Learning Library (MLlib)
    • Spark Graph Processing (GraphX)

    UNIT 10: Cloud Deployment Tools

    The process of deploying machine learning models and data science applications on cloud platforms, enabling scalable and accessible solutions for real-time predictions and insights.

    Module 1: AWS
    • Introduction to AWS
    • Setting Up AWS Environment
    • Model Deployment using AWS SageMaker / Lambda / ECS and Docker
    Module 2: Azure
    • Introduction to Azure
    • Describe AI workloads & considerations
    • Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure
    • Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure
    • Describe features of natural language processing (NLP) workloads on Azure
    • Azure Machine Learning Studio
    • Azure Functions for Serverless Deployment
    • Model Deployment with Azure Container Instances
    Module 3: Heroku
    • Introduction to Heroku
    • Deploying Machine Learning Models with Heroku
    • Monitoring and optimizing the deployed application

    Program Highlights


      Industry Projects

      Industry Projects

      Wide Range Of Tools & Modules

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course
      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

      What makes us Unique?

      What makes us Unique?

      Products in the markets are

      Irrelevant Curriculum

      Generic program for all, not catering to specific needs of freshers or working professionals.

      Limited Practical Projects

      Insufficient emphasis on hands-on projects and lack of customization for working professionals.

      Limited Mentor Support

      Inflexible doubt-solving schedules with inadequate 1:1 guidance and mentor support.

      Inflexible Learning Schedule

      Fixed schedules that may not accommodate the requirements of working professionals.

      1stepGrow provides you with

      Industry-Driven Curriculum

      Tailored and delivered by industry experts for relevance and confidence.

      Practical Project Learning

      Hands-on approach to solve real-world problems with expert guidance.

      Personalized Mentorship

      Individualized mentorship from industry experts to guide and support your learning journey.

      Comprehensive Access

      Customized doubt-clearing sessions, flexible batch options, and interactive live sessions.

      1stepGrow Data Science & AI program focuses on Focused Group Training with Live projects

      Irrelevant Curriculum

      Generic program for all, not catering to specific needs of freshers or working professionals.

      Limited Practical Projects

      Insufficient emphasis on hands-on projects and lack of customization for working professionals.

      Limited Mentor Support

      Inflexible doubt-solving schedules with inadequate 1:1 guidance and mentor support.

      Comprehensive Access

      Customized doubt-clearing sessions, flexible batch options, and interactive live sessions.

      Still Not Sure About The Course?

      Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

      Still Not Sure About The Course?

      Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

      We’ve got you covered with our Flexible Program

      Flexible Batches

      Enroll in live courses and receive three years of support, with options to join multiple batches and learn from various instructors.

      Recorded Classes

      Access class recordings to ensure you don’t miss any sessions.

      Customized Doubt Resolution

      Get individual doubt clearing sessions from experts.

      Weekend Batches Available

      Specially scheduled batches to accommodate the needs of working professionals.

      Lifetime Support and Access

      Enjoy lifetime access to course materials, assignments, and videos, along with extended support.

      Program Fee & Financing

      Program Fee & Financing

      Invest in your future with quality education

      Invest in your future with quality education

      Program Fee:

      ₹ 79,900 + 18% GST

      Financing as low as

      ₹7857/ month

      Multiple Payment Modes




      Payment Partner

      Program Fee:

      ₹ 79,900 + 18% GST

      Financing as low as


      Multiple Payment Modes




      Payment Partner

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

      Domain Electives

      Domain Electives
      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

      We’ve got you covered with our Flexible Program

      100% Placement Assistance

      1-1 Personal mentorship Support

      Average Package Of INR 7LPA

      No Prior Coding Required

      Still Not Sure About The Course?

      Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

      Still Not Sure About The Course?

      Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

      What Our Students & Experts Say ?


      Jayshree Rathod Data Scientist

      Thanks to 1stepGrow team, I am a successful Data Scientist. Transitioning from a teacher to the data science field was challenging, but the support and real-time project experience provided by 1stepGrow during the COVID pandemic made a significant difference. I am grateful for the personalized training and guidance from Ravi and the team. Today, I am proud to be working as a Data Scientist at Shyena Tech Yarn.

      Akash Deep Solution Engineer Machine Learning

      Coming from a mechanical background, I enrolled in 1stepgrow's data science program. The mentors provided exceptional support, helping me understand the concepts. Their guidance was invaluable, leading me to secure a job even before completing the program. The personalized attention and focused learning approach allowed me to ask multiple doubts and receive proper guidance.

      Chinmay Rai Software Engineer - Data Science

      My experience with 1stepGrow was fantastic. Their exceptional support enabled me to transition to the data science team in my company. Through hands-on work in the IT domain, I gained a deep understanding of the practical aspects of being a data scientist. The journey was seamless, thanks to the real-world experience provided by 1stepGrow.

      Prathmesh Network Data Analyst

      1stepGrow is an excellent training institute for data science. Despite being a startup, I opted for them due to their small batch size. The vibrant class environment and interactive trainers greatly enhanced my skills. The encouraging atmosphere allowed me to ask questions and actively participate. Within just 6 months, I achieved success as a data analyst. My journey with 1stepGrow was truly amazing.


      Learn More About Your Learning Options

      What are the prerequisites for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      The Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course is designed to cater to beginners and starts with the fundamentals. While having basic technical knowledge and familiarity with programming concepts would be helpful, the course is structured to accommodate learners from diverse backgrounds and equip them with the necessary skills to excel in the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      What will I be preparing for in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      This comprehensive Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course equips students with a deep understanding of the entire data science program. The course covers the following components:

      • Python Programming
      • Web Scraping
      • GitHub
      • Statistics for data science
      • Machine learning
      • Time-series Analysis
      • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
      • Reinforcement Learning
      • Deep Learning
      • Computer Vision
      • SQL & MongoDB
      • Power BI & Tableau
      • Hadoop & Spark
      • AWS, Heroku, Azure Cloud Deployment
      • Excel for Data Analytics

      Can I enroll in this full-stack artificial intelligence and data science course if I come from a non-technical background with no programming experience?

      Certainly! You are welcome to enroll in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. While the program is recommended for candidates with a basic understanding of applied mathematics/statistics and some exposure to technology/tools like Python/R programming, it is open to individuals from various backgrounds, including those without prior programming experience.

      What should I do if I'm not eligible for this Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course but still want to learn Data Science?

      If you’re not eligible for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course due to a lack of data exposure, don’t worry! We offer a foundational course in Data Science & Machine Learning that can enable you to achieve your goal of learning data science and pave the way for a career in this field.

      How many students are there in one batch?

      At our Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we prioritize quality training through personalized attention. To foster an effective and engaging learning environment, we maintain small batch sizes, with a maximum limit of 15 students. This approach ensures ample interaction with mentors and promotes a conducive learning atmosphere.

      What are the benefits of a 3-year subscription to the program?

      Enrolling in our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course grants students a 3-year subscription. This extended duration ensures continuous access to live class support, mentorship from the institute, and job referrals throughout the subscription period.

      What are the benefits of the online training program for students?

      The online training program for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course offers students several distinct benefits:

      • Prompt resolution of queries during live sessions.
      • Access to recorded classes for reviewing previous sessions and clarifying doubts.
      • Availability of recorded discussions on assignments and projects.
      • Access to session recordings and comprehensive course materials for future reference.

      How long does the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course last?

      The duration of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course is approximately 11 months (360 hours). It includes live training sessions, hands-on training on live projects, and interview preparations. Classes are conducted on both weekdays and weekends. The weekday batch spans 9 months, with classes from Monday to Friday for 2 hours per day. The weekend batch lasts for 11 months, with classes on Saturdays and Sundays for 3.5 hours per day.

      What does instructor-led online training mean in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, instructor-led online training refers to a dynamic and engaging learning approach where students actively participate in live sessions conducted by experienced trainers. This interactive training model promotes interaction between students and trainers, fostering a conducive environment for learning.

      What happens if I miss attending a live session in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, if you miss a live session, you can still access the recorded session. The instructor-led online training format ensures that you have the flexibility to catch up on missed sessions and review the content and notes at your convenience. This allows you to stay up-to-date with the course materials and continue your learning journey effectively.

      How does a smaller batch size contribute to better learning in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      A smaller batch size in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course creates an environment that promotes effective learning. With fewer students, there is more opportunity for individuals to address their queries and concerns during the session. Additionally, the trainer can maintain an optimal pace in delivering the course content while ensuring that student queries are adequately addressed.

      Can students interact and ask questions during the live training sessions in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Absolutely! We encourage active student participation and questions during the live training sessions in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. Our aim is to create an engaging learning environment where students can interact with the trainer and seek clarification on any doubts or queries they may have. To ensure effective interaction, we limit the class size to a maximum of 15 students per batch.

      How will this course help me in my career?

      The Full-stack AI and Data Science Course propels your career in artificial intelligence and data science. Gain expertise in cutting-edge concepts, advanced tools, and industry-relevant technologies to tackle real-world challenges. With the increasing demand for AI and data science professionals, this course enhances your career prospects and opens doors to exciting opportunities. Explore tools like Python, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, NLP, Deep Learning, DBMS, Data Visualization and other analytics tools to excel in this domain.

      Are there any assessments or exams during the course?

      Answer: Yes, to evaluate your progress and understanding of the concepts taught, there will be periodic assessments and exams throughout the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. These evaluations are designed to ensure that you have a strong grasp of the topics covered and to help you identify areas that may require additional focus.

      Will I have access to the course materials even after completing the program?

      Yes, upon completing the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you will receive lifetime access to the course materials. This includes recordings of the live sessions, class notes, assignments, and other learning resources. This ensures that you can refer back to the content whenever you need to revise or revisit any topic covered during the course.

      Can I access the learning materials on my mobile device?

      Yes, the learning materials for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, including recorded sessions, assignments, and course materials, are accessible through our online learning platform. This allows you to access the content on your mobile device, giving you the flexibility to learn on the go.

      Can I switch from the weekday batch to the weekend batch or vice versa?

      We understand that sometimes you may need to switch between batches to cover missed modules. If such a situation arises during the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you can contact our support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary batch transfer arrangements, depending on the availability of seats in the desired batch.

      What kind of support can I expect during the course?

      During the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you can expect comprehensive support from our team. This includes live class support, doubt-solving sessions, discussion forums, mentorship, and access to the learning materials. Our aim is to ensure that you have a smooth learning journey and that all your queries and concerns are addressed promptly

      Does the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course include practical training?

      Certainly! Practical training is a crucial component of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. You will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, applying artificial intelligence and data science techniques to solve complex problems. This hands-on experience will enhance your skills and boost your confidence in tackling industry-relevant projects.

      What are real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and how do they help?

      Real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course are based on industry data, with confidential information modified to protect privacy. These projects provide students with the opportunity to apply concepts and algorithms to real datasets, enabling them to gain practical experience. The course includes 21 industry projects that cover various scenarios, allowing students to practice the tools and techniques they have learned.

      What are domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and why are they important?

      Domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involve industry-specific training through capstone projects and mentorship. These projects are sourced from different industries, and mentors guide students in understanding the projects within the context of specific domains. Domain specializations are important as they enhance students’ knowledge, provide practical exposure to real-world scenarios, and increase their chances of clearing interviews.

      How many Capstone projects are part of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      The Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course includes up to 3 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain practical experience by working on real-world scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      What is project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience in our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involves working on industry projects related to domain specializations. Students collaborate in groups with assigned mentors. After successful completion, the project is assessed by our institute and partner company. If it meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate, certifying your practical experience.

      Will I have access to industry experts or mentors during the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, you will have the privilege of accessing industry experts and mentors throughout the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. Our instructors, who possess practical industry knowledge, will serve as your guides and mentors, providing expert insights and guidance to ensure you receive comprehensive support and valuable perspectives.

      Is there a community or forum for students to interact and collaborate in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course provides a dedicated community forum where students can interact, collaborate, and engage with each other. This forum serves as a platform for students to discuss their queries, share ideas, and collaborate on projects, fostering a supportive learning community within the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      How can I resolve my queries outside the class for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a student forum exclusively for our course participants. If you have any doubts or encounter errors while practicing, you can post your queries on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students are actively engaged on the forum and will provide you with the necessary answers and assistance.

      How are the doubt-solving sessions conducted for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we prioritize the resolution of doubts. We conduct doubt-solving sessions within the class to address queries in real-time. Additionally, at the end of every module, we organize dedicated doubt-solving sessions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course topics.

      Does the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course include practical training?

      Certainly! Practical training is a crucial component of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. You will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, applying artificial intelligence and data science techniques to solve complex problems. This hands-on experience will enhance your skills and boost your confidence in tackling industry-relevant projects.

      What are real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and how do they help?

      Real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course are based on industry data, with confidential information modified to protect privacy. These projects provide students with the opportunity to apply concepts and algorithms to real datasets, enabling them to gain practical experience. The course includes 21 industry projects that cover various scenarios, allowing students to practice the tools and techniques they have learned.

      What are domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and why are they important?

      Domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involve industry-specific training through capstone projects and mentorship. These projects are sourced from different industries, and mentors guide students in understanding the projects within the context of specific domains. Domain specializations are important as they enhance students’ knowledge, provide practical exposure to real-world scenarios, and increase their chances of clearing interviews.

      How many Capstone projects are part of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      The Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course includes up to 3 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain practical experience by working on real-world scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      What is project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience in our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involves working on industry projects related to domain specializations. Students collaborate in groups with assigned mentors. After successful completion, the project is assessed by our institute and partner company. If it meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate, certifying your practical experience.

      Will I have access to industry experts or mentors during the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, you will have the privilege of accessing industry experts and mentors throughout the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. Our instructors, who possess practical industry knowledge, will serve as your guides and mentors, providing expert insights and guidance to ensure you receive comprehensive support and valuable perspectives.

      Is there a community or forum for students to interact and collaborate in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course provides a dedicated community forum where students can interact, collaborate, and engage with each other. This forum serves as a platform for students to discuss their queries, share ideas, and collaborate on projects, fostering a supportive learning community within the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      How can I resolve my queries outside the class for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a student forum exclusively for our course participants. If you have any doubts or encounter errors while practicing, you can post your queries on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students are actively engaged on the forum and will provide you with the necessary answers and assistance.

      How are the doubt-solving sessions conducted for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we prioritize the resolution of doubts. We conduct doubt-solving sessions within the class to address queries in real-time. Additionally, at the end of every module, we organize dedicated doubt-solving sessions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course topics.

      What does the Job Assistance program in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course offer?

      The Job Assistance program is an integral part of our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. It is designed to provide comprehensive support to our students in their job search. The program includes various steps to assist students in pursuing their dream jobs in the market.

      • Github & LinkedIn Profile building
      • Resume Preparation
      • Mock Interviews
      • Job Referrals

      How will the mock interview be conducted and how can I understand where to improve?

      Mock interviews for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course are conducted online through video mode. Within a week, you will receive feedback on your performance. By reviewing the recorded video, you can identify areas for improvement in both soft skills and technical skills. In this course, you are eligible for up to 3 mock interviews.

      Will I receive job assistance after completing the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Absolutely! Upon successful completion of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we provide comprehensive job assistance to our students. Our dedicated placement cell offers support in resume building, interview preparation, and connects students with relevant job opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence and data science. We are committed to helping our students transition into successful careers in the industry.

      How many job referrals will be provided?

      We offer unlimited job referrals to our students enrolled in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course throughout the subscription period. Our dedicated placement assistance ensures that your profile is referred to our partnered consultancies and companies.

      What’s the eligibility for a job assistance program at 1stepGrow?

      To be eligible for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you need to meet certain criteria. These include scoring 70% or higher in all assessment tests, timely completion and submission of assignments, real-time project submission, and completion of at least 2 Capstone projects.

      Will I get a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow?

      Yes, upon successful completion of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow.

      Are there academic certifications provided in the course?

      Yes, we offer academic certifications to validate your knowledge and skills. Through our partnership with Microsoft, you will receive training for the Microsoft AI certification. Upon passing the certification test, you will be awarded a globally recognized AI certificate by Microsoft.

      Will I get project experience certification from a company?

      Yes, by working on domain-specialized industry projects, you will gain project experience. Upon successful completion of the project, you will be awarded a Project Experience Certificate by our partnered company.

      As a college student or fresher, what kind of recognition should I expect from the course?

      As a college student or fresher, gaining an internship certification is valuable. Our program provides opportunities to work on industry projects, which can earn you recognition for an internship.

      As an on-job professional, what kind of recognition will help me progress in my career?

      As an on-job professional, an internship certification may not be relevant. However, our program offers industry projects that provide project experience from reputable companies. This project experience certification is more suitable for professionals like you and can contribute to your career growth.

      How valuable is a project experience certification by a company?

      A project experience certification from a company holds significant value as it validates your practical skills and demonstrates your ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios. It enhances your profile and increases your credibility in the industry.

      What are the prerequisites for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      The Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course is designed to cater to beginners and starts with the fundamentals. While having basic technical knowledge and familiarity with programming concepts would be helpful, the course is structured to accommodate learners from diverse backgrounds and equip them with the necessary skills to excel in the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      What will I be preparing for in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      This comprehensive Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course equips students with a deep understanding of the entire data science program. The course covers the following components:

      • Python Programming
      • Web Scraping
      • GitHub
      • Statistics for data science
      • Machine learning
      • Time-series Analysis
      • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
      • Reinforcement Learning
      • Deep Learning
      • Computer Vision
      • SQL & MongoDB
      • Power BI & Tableau
      • Hadoop & Spark
      • AWS, Heroku, Azure Cloud Deployment
      • Excel for Data Analytics

      Can I enroll in this full-stack artificial intelligence and data science course if I come from a non-technical background with no programming experience?

      Certainly! You are welcome to enroll in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. While the program is recommended for candidates with a basic understanding of applied mathematics/statistics and some exposure to technology/tools like Python/R programming, it is open to individuals from various backgrounds, including those without prior programming experience.

      What should I do if I'm not eligible for this Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course but still want to learn Data Science?

      If you’re not eligible for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course due to a lack of data exposure, don’t worry! We offer a foundational course in Data Science & Machine Learning that can enable you to achieve your goal of learning data science and pave the way for a career in this field.

      How many students are there in one batch?

      At our Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we prioritize quality training through personalized attention. To foster an effective and engaging learning environment, we maintain small batch sizes, with a maximum limit of 15 students. This approach ensures ample interaction with mentors and promotes a conducive learning atmosphere.

      What are the benefits of a 3-year subscription to the program?

      Enrolling in our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course grants students a 3-year subscription. This extended duration ensures continuous access to live class support, mentorship from the institute, and job referrals throughout the subscription period.

      What are the benefits of the online training program for students?

      The online training program for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course offers students several distinct benefits:

      • Prompt resolution of queries during live sessions.
      • Access to recorded classes for reviewing previous sessions and clarifying doubts.
      • Availability of recorded discussions on assignments and projects.
      • Access to session recordings and comprehensive course materials for future reference.

      How long does the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course last?

      The duration of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course is approximately 11 months (360 hours). It includes live training sessions, hands-on training on live projects, and interview preparations. Classes are conducted on both weekdays and weekends. The weekday batch spans 9 months, with classes from Monday to Friday for 2 hours per day. The weekend batch lasts for 11 months, with classes on Saturdays and Sundays for 3.5 hours per day.

      What does instructor-led online training mean in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, instructor-led online training refers to a dynamic and engaging learning approach where students actively participate in live sessions conducted by experienced trainers. This interactive training model promotes interaction between students and trainers, fostering a conducive environment for learning.

      What happens if I miss attending a live session in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, if you miss a live session, you can still access the recorded session. The instructor-led online training format ensures that you have the flexibility to catch up on missed sessions and review the content and notes at your convenience. This allows you to stay up-to-date with the course materials and continue your learning journey effectively.

      How does a smaller batch size contribute to better learning in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      A smaller batch size in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course creates an environment that promotes effective learning. With fewer students, there is more opportunity for individuals to address their queries and concerns during the session. Additionally, the trainer can maintain an optimal pace in delivering the course content while ensuring that student queries are adequately addressed.

      Can students interact and ask questions during the live training sessions in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Absolutely! We encourage active student participation and questions during the live training sessions in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. Our aim is to create an engaging learning environment where students can interact with the trainer and seek clarification on any doubts or queries they may have. To ensure effective interaction, we limit the class size to a maximum of 15 students per batch.

      How will this course help me in my career?

      The Full-stack AI and Data Science Course propels your career in artificial intelligence and data science. Gain expertise in cutting-edge concepts, advanced tools, and industry-relevant technologies to tackle real-world challenges. With the increasing demand for AI and data science professionals, this course enhances your career prospects and opens doors to exciting opportunities. Explore tools like Python, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, NLP, Deep Learning, DBMS, Data Visualization and other analytics tools to excel in this domain.

      Are there any assessments or exams during the course?

      Answer: Yes, to evaluate your progress and understanding of the concepts taught, there will be periodic assessments and exams throughout the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. These evaluations are designed to ensure that you have a strong grasp of the topics covered and to help you identify areas that may require additional focus.

      Will I have access to the course materials even after completing the program?

      Yes, upon completing the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you will receive lifetime access to the course materials. This includes recordings of the live sessions, class notes, assignments, and other learning resources. This ensures that you can refer back to the content whenever you need to revise or revisit any topic covered during the course.

      Can I access the learning materials on my mobile device?

      Yes, the learning materials for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, including recorded sessions, assignments, and course materials, are accessible through our online learning platform. This allows you to access the content on your mobile device, giving you the flexibility to learn on the go.

      Can I switch from the weekday batch to the weekend batch or vice versa?

      We understand that sometimes you may need to switch between batches to cover missed modules. If such a situation arises during the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you can contact our support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary batch transfer arrangements, depending on the availability of seats in the desired batch.

      What kind of support can I expect during the course?

      During the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you can expect comprehensive support from our team. This includes live class support, doubt-solving sessions, discussion forums, mentorship, and access to the learning materials. Our aim is to ensure that you have a smooth learning journey and that all your queries and concerns are addressed promptly

      Does the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course include practical training?

      Certainly! Practical training is a crucial component of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. You will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, applying artificial intelligence and data science techniques to solve complex problems. This hands-on experience will enhance your skills and boost your confidence in tackling industry-relevant projects.

      What are real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and how do they help?

      Real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course are based on industry data, with confidential information modified to protect privacy. These projects provide students with the opportunity to apply concepts and algorithms to real datasets, enabling them to gain practical experience. The course includes 21 industry projects that cover various scenarios, allowing students to practice the tools and techniques they have learned.

      What are domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and why are they important?

      Domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involve industry-specific training through capstone projects and mentorship. These projects are sourced from different industries, and mentors guide students in understanding the projects within the context of specific domains. Domain specializations are important as they enhance students’ knowledge, provide practical exposure to real-world scenarios, and increase their chances of clearing interviews.

      How many Capstone projects are part of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      The Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course includes up to 3 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain practical experience by working on real-world scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      What is project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience in our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involves working on industry projects related to domain specializations. Students collaborate in groups with assigned mentors. After successful completion, the project is assessed by our institute and partner company. If it meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate, certifying your practical experience.

      Will I have access to industry experts or mentors during the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, you will have the privilege of accessing industry experts and mentors throughout the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. Our instructors, who possess practical industry knowledge, will serve as your guides and mentors, providing expert insights and guidance to ensure you receive comprehensive support and valuable perspectives.

      Is there a community or forum for students to interact and collaborate in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course provides a dedicated community forum where students can interact, collaborate, and engage with each other. This forum serves as a platform for students to discuss their queries, share ideas, and collaborate on projects, fostering a supportive learning community within the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      How can I resolve my queries outside the class for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a student forum exclusively for our course participants. If you have any doubts or encounter errors while practicing, you can post your queries on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students are actively engaged on the forum and will provide you with the necessary answers and assistance.

      How are the doubt-solving sessions conducted for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we prioritize the resolution of doubts. We conduct doubt-solving sessions within the class to address queries in real-time. Additionally, at the end of every module, we organize dedicated doubt-solving sessions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course topics.

      Does the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course include practical training?

      Certainly! Practical training is a crucial component of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. You will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, applying artificial intelligence and data science techniques to solve complex problems. This hands-on experience will enhance your skills and boost your confidence in tackling industry-relevant projects.

      What are real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and how do they help?

      Real-time projects in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course are based on industry data, with confidential information modified to protect privacy. These projects provide students with the opportunity to apply concepts and algorithms to real datasets, enabling them to gain practical experience. The course includes 21 industry projects that cover various scenarios, allowing students to practice the tools and techniques they have learned.

      What are domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course and why are they important?

      Domain specializations in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involve industry-specific training through capstone projects and mentorship. These projects are sourced from different industries, and mentors guide students in understanding the projects within the context of specific domains. Domain specializations are important as they enhance students’ knowledge, provide practical exposure to real-world scenarios, and increase their chances of clearing interviews.

      How many Capstone projects are part of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      The Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course includes up to 3 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain practical experience by working on real-world scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      What is project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience in our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course involves working on industry projects related to domain specializations. Students collaborate in groups with assigned mentors. After successful completion, the project is assessed by our institute and partner company. If it meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate, certifying your practical experience.

      Will I have access to industry experts or mentors during the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, you will have the privilege of accessing industry experts and mentors throughout the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. Our instructors, who possess practical industry knowledge, will serve as your guides and mentors, providing expert insights and guidance to ensure you receive comprehensive support and valuable perspectives.

      Is there a community or forum for students to interact and collaborate in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Yes, the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course provides a dedicated community forum where students can interact, collaborate, and engage with each other. This forum serves as a platform for students to discuss their queries, share ideas, and collaborate on projects, fostering a supportive learning community within the field of artificial intelligence and data science.

      How can I resolve my queries outside the class for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a student forum exclusively for our course participants. If you have any doubts or encounter errors while practicing, you can post your queries on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students are actively engaged on the forum and will provide you with the necessary answers and assistance.

      How are the doubt-solving sessions conducted for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      In the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we prioritize the resolution of doubts. We conduct doubt-solving sessions within the class to address queries in real-time. Additionally, at the end of every module, we organize dedicated doubt-solving sessions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course topics.

      What does the Job Assistance program in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course offer?

      The Job Assistance program is an integral part of our Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course. It is designed to provide comprehensive support to our students in their job search. The program includes various steps to assist students in pursuing their dream jobs in the market.

      • Github & LinkedIn Profile building
      • Resume Preparation
      • Mock Interviews
      • Job Referrals

      How will the mock interview be conducted and how can I understand where to improve?

      Mock interviews for the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course are conducted online through video mode. Within a week, you will receive feedback on your performance. By reviewing the recorded video, you can identify areas for improvement in both soft skills and technical skills. In this course, you are eligible for up to 3 mock interviews.

      Will I receive job assistance after completing the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course?

      Absolutely! Upon successful completion of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, we provide comprehensive job assistance to our students. Our dedicated placement cell offers support in resume building, interview preparation, and connects students with relevant job opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence and data science. We are committed to helping our students transition into successful careers in the industry.

      How many job referrals will be provided?

      We offer unlimited job referrals to our students enrolled in the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course throughout the subscription period. Our dedicated placement assistance ensures that your profile is referred to our partnered consultancies and companies.

      What’s the eligibility for a job assistance program at 1stepGrow?

      To be eligible for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you need to meet certain criteria. These include scoring 70% or higher in all assessment tests, timely completion and submission of assignments, real-time project submission, and completion of at least 2 Capstone projects.

      Will I get a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow?

      Yes, upon successful completion of the Full-stack Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow.

      Are there academic certifications provided in the course?

      Yes, we offer academic certifications to validate your knowledge and skills. Through our partnership with Microsoft, you will receive training for the Microsoft AI certification. Upon passing the certification test, you will be awarded a globally recognized AI certificate by Microsoft.

      Will I get project experience certification from a company?

      Yes, by working on domain-specialized industry projects, you will gain project experience. Upon successful completion of the project, you will be awarded a Project Experience Certificate by our partnered company.

      As a college student or fresher, what kind of recognition should I expect from the course?

      As a college student or fresher, gaining an internship certification is valuable. Our program provides opportunities to work on industry projects, which can earn you recognition for an internship.

      As an on-job professional, what kind of recognition will help me progress in my career?

      As an on-job professional, an internship certification may not be relevant. However, our program offers industry projects that provide project experience from reputable companies. This project experience certification is more suitable for professionals like you and can contribute to your career growth.

      How valuable is a project experience certification by a company?

      A project experience certification from a company holds significant value as it validates your practical skills and demonstrates your ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios. It enhances your profile and increases your credibility in the industry.

      Data Science and Machine Learning Course

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      Reach out to us and your career guide will get in touch with you shortly

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      Elevate your career with our courses – gain the skills and knowledge that will set you apart and propel you toward success. Check your eligibility now and enroll today. Let’s make your career dreams a reality.