
Data Science Specialization Course

Specialization 1: AI Specialization

Specialization 2: Manager Specialization

partnered with AI Companies and

In Collaboration with

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence course
Untitled design (29)

Generative AI-Integrated

Trainers from IIT, NIT and Top MNCs

Data Science Specialization Course

Specialization 1: AI Specialization

Specialization 2: Manager Specialization

Partnered with AI Companies and Microsoft

Generative AI-Integrated

Trainers from IIT, NIT and Top MNC’s

Data Science and Machine Learning Course
Data Science and Machine Learning Course
Certified 2023-2025 (1) (1)
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Data Science Specialization Course Overview

Data Science Specialization Course Overview

Our Data Science Specialization Course is designed for tech professionals seeking comprehensive training in Python programming. It covers a wide range of topics, including Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. You will also learn about Database Management, Data Visualization with Power BI and Tableau, and version control using GitHub. By completing this course, you will acquire extensive knowledge and expertise in essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python, including MLOps and Data Pipeline.

Our Data Science Specialization course is designed for tech professionals seeking comprehensive training in Python programming. It covers a wide range of topics, including Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. You will also learn about Database Management, Data Visualization with Power BI and Tableau, and version control using GitHub. By completing this course, you will acquire extensive knowledge and expertise in essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python, including MLOps and Data Pipeline.

Data Science Specialization Program Key Features

Skills Covered

100% Live Interactive Sessions

100% Live Interactive Sessions

Skills Covered

Skills Covered


Data science is experiencing a rapid surge in India, projected to grow by 200% by 2026, making it an appealing career option. India also holds the second position worldwide in recruiting data science professionals, and the industry is anticipated to reach a remarkable value of USD 119 billion by 2026, opening up 11 million job prospects.

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Grow your Data Science skills to be Future-Ready

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Grow your Data Science skills to be Future-Ready

Dual Certification

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

Microsoft Certification

Microsoft Certification

Be in demand with Microsoft certification

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Real Work Experience Certificate

Obtain competitive advantage through real-world experience

Real Work Experience Certificate

Obtain competitive advantage through real-world experience

Who This Program Is For?

Who This Program Is For?

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course, data science bootcamp


Tech degree with excellent academic performance

Work experience

Open to all levels of experience

Career stage

Early to mid-career professionals seeking data expertise


Striving excellence through data-driven strategies and optimization


Tech degree with excellent academic performance

Work experience

Open to all levels of experience

Career Stage

Early to mid-career professionals seeking data expertise


Striving excellence through data-driven strategies and optimization

Leverage our extensive industry network for success

Partnered With 280+ Companies

Partnered With 280+ Companies


1stepGrow’s industry-designed Data Science Specialization course, offers hands-on learning with real-world projects and live interactive classes. With guaranteed job referrals, gain practical experience and a competitive edge in the data and AI field. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive program developed by industry experts, ensuring you acquire the necessary skills for success.

Program Highlights

1stepGrow’s industry-designed Data Science Specialization course, offers hands-on learning with real-world projects and live interactive classes. With guaranteed job referrals, gain practical experience and a competitive edge in the data and AI field. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive program developed by industry experts, ensuring you acquire the necessary skills for success.

UNIT 1: Orientation (8 Hours)

This unit serves as a primer for data science, introducing key tools and concepts. It’s designed to equip non-programmers with foundational Python skills, facilitating a deeper understanding and practical application throughout the course.


Module 1: Introduction To Data Science, Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

  • Introduction to tools, key concepts, and definitions
  • Real-time project applications in different domains
  • Practical applications of data science in various industries


Module 2: Fundamentals of Programming

  • Introduction to Python tools
  • Installation of Python
  • Python Fundamentals


Tools Covered: Python, Anaconda, Jupyter, Google Colab


Module 3: Fundamentals of Statistics

  • Importance and Use of Statistics in Data Science
  • Descriptive Statistics & Predictive Statistics
  • Learn how predictive Statistics connects with Machine Learning



Module 2 and Module 3 of Unit 1 are specially designed for non-programmers to understand the basics of computer programming and math.

UNIT 2: Portfolio Building (6 hours)

This unit provides an extensive roadmap for building a robust portfolio in data science. You’ll master GitHub, a version control system, for efficient collaboration and project management. Additionally, you’ll harness LinkedIn‘s power for networking and career advancement


Module 1: Git & GitHub (VCS)

  • Introduction to Version Control Systems
  • Installing and Configuring Git
  • Git Essentials
  • Branching and Merging
  • GitHub Essentials
  • Collaborating on GitHub
  • Forking repositories
  • Creating pull requests
  • Best Practices and Workflows


Class Hands-On: Initiate, collaborate, and work on a real-time project


Tools Covered: Git, GitHub


Module 2: LinkedIn Profile building

  • Introduction to LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Platform
  • Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Profile
  • Leveraging LinkedIn Features for Engagement
  • Growing Your Network on LinkedIn
  • Increasing Followers and Engagement
  • Enhancing Professional Branding on LinkedIn
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Career Advancement

UNIT 3: Python for Data Science & AI (42 Hours)

This Python course introduces fundamental to advanced concepts tailored for data science and AI applications. Learn Python step by step from basics to advanced. Learn all libraries, functions, and modules to perform data science projects by analyzing and building ML & AI models using Python.


Module 1: Core Python Programming

  • Python Environment
  • Data types & Operators
  • Operators & Loop controls


Project: Build a simple calculator


Module 2: Advanced Python Programming

  • Functions & Modules
  • Regular Expressions (RegEx)
  • File Handling & Exception Handling
  • Generators & Decorators


Class Hands-on:

25+ programs/coding exercises on data types, loops, operators, functions, generators, file I/O, reg-ex, and exception handling


Module 3: Web Scraping using Python

  • Introduction to Web Scraping
  • Web Requests & HTTP
  • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup


Project: Scrape and Analyze Data from a Website (2-3 Projects)


Module 4: OOPs in Python

  • Classes and Objects
  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
  • Abstraction and Interfaces
  • Method Overriding and Overloading
  • Class Variables and Instance Variables


Module 5: Python For Data Analytics

  • Data Analysis using NumPy (Array Operations)
  • Data Analysis using Pandas (On Dataframes)
  • Data Visualization using Matplotlib
  • Data Visualization using Seaborn


Tools Covered: NumPy, Pandas, MatplotLib, Seaborn, Beautiful Soup


EDA Project (Create Insights using Data Analytics) 

2 Full-Length Projects on Data Analytics using Pandas, MatplotLib & Seaborn to analyze Data to Gain Insights and Identify Patterns.

UNIT 4: Statistics & Machine Learning (38 Hours)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of statistical concepts and machine learning techniques, along with their practical applications. You will learn machine learning algorithms, explore various case studies to understand real-world applications and build models to reinforce your learning.


Module 1: Statistics & Probability

  • Fundamentals of Math, Probability & Statistics
  • Descriptive vs inferential statistics
  • Types of data, Sample and Population
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Handling outliers & missing values in data
  • Discrete and continuous probability distributions
  • Normal distribution and central limit theorem
  • Linear Algebra, Sampling and Estimation
  • Hypothesis Testing Workflow
  • Confusion Matrix, Performance Metrics
  • P-values, Z Scores, Confidence Level
  • Significance Level, Sampling Techniques
  • Parametric Tests: T-test, Z-test, F-test, ANOVA test
  • Non-Parametric Tests: Chi-square test, Man Whitney U Test & Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
  • Regression & Classification Analysis


Class Hands-on:

Problem-solving for central tendency, ANOVA, central limit theorem & hypothesis testing Case study


Module 2: Machine Learning

  • Set Theory
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Traditional coding vs Machine learning
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Model evaluation
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Analysis & Visualisation
  • Feature Engineering
  • Machine learning model building & evaluation
    • Linear Regression Model & Evaluation
    • L1 & L2 Regularization (Lasso and Ridge Regression)
    • Logistic Regression Model & Evaluation
    • K Nearest Neighbours (KNN) & Evaluation
    • Decision Tree Classifier & Regressor
    • Random Forest Classifier & Regressor
    • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff
  • Cross-validation



  • EDA for Weight Prediction task from Height (Regression task)
  • 1 project each for Regression & Classification

UNIT 5: Time-Series Forecasting & NLP (24 Hours)

The Time Series Analysis course will help you learn how to model, forecast, and analyze time-based data that contains date and time parameters. The NLP specialization will help you gain experience in techniques such as; text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, and building text-based models.


Module 1: Time-Series Data Analysis 

  • Introduction to time series data
  • Linear Regression Vs ARIMA model
  • Time series visualization and exploration
  • Time series decomposition
  • Stationarity and its tests
  • Autoregressive (AR) Models
  • Moving Average (MA) Models
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models
  • Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) models
  • Exponential smoothing methods


Class Projects:

  • Project to predict the number of customers of an Airline organization using Time Series Model ARIMA & SARIMAX
  • Financial Market Stock Price analysis and forecasting
  • Sales data forecasting to understand trend and seasonality


Tools Covered: SciKit Learn, Pandas, Matplotlib


Module 2: NLP

  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Text Preprocessing
  • Text Embedding Techniques
  • Word2Vec Text Embedding
  • Topic modeling (LDA, LSA)
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging)
  • Transformer architecture and BERT model
  • Text classification models


Class Projects:

  • To classify an email as spam or not spam
  • Social media sentiment analysis
  • Translation & summarization of News
  • Generate optimized title/headline
  • Case Study on Recommendation Engine


Tools Covered: NLTK, Spacy, BERT

UNIT 6: Database Management (40 Hours)

Learn practically data mining, optimizing query performance, and ensuring data integrity on SQL. Advanced topics include NoSQL databases like MongoDB, distributed systems, and data warehousing, preparing students for diverse data roles.


Module 1: SQL – Structured Query Language 

  • Introduction to SQL
  • SQL Syantax and data types
  • CRUD operations in SQL
  • Retrieving Data with SQL
  • Filtering, sorting & formatting query results
  • Advanced SQL Queries
  • Database Design and Normalization
  • Advanced Database Concepts
  • Stored Procedures
  • Integrating SQL with Python for Data


Hands-on practice:

  • Joins, Sub-queries, Aggregation query
  • Views, Filtering, Sorting
  • Group By and Having clause


Module 2: MongoDB 

  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • MongoDB essentials
  • Structure of MongoDB
  • Advanced MongoDB Queries
  • Integrating MongoDB with Python for Data


Tools Covered: MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB

UNIT 7: Cloud Deployment of ML & AI Models (32 Hours)

In this cloud deployment unit, you will learn to deploy machine learning and AI models using AWS and Azure, two leading cloud platforms. You’ll gain proficiency in deploying, scaling, and managing models in the cloud environments through practical exercises.


Module 1: AWS

  • Introduction to Cloud Deployment for ML and AI Models
  • AWS cloud platform and its services for model deployment
  • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
  • AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
  • Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Elastic File System (EFS)
  • Model Deployment with AWS
  • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Flask
  • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Django


Module 2: Azure

  • Azure cloud platform and its services for model deployment
  • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
  • Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure
  • Model Deployment on Azure
  • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Flask
  • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Django


Tools Covered: AWS, EC2, S3, ECS, Sagemaker, Lambda, Azure, Azure ML, Flask, Django

Specialization 1 : AI Specialization

UNIT 8: Advanced Machine Learning (24 Hours)

Module 1: Advanced Machine Learning

  • Clustering & K-means
  • K-Means Clustering Model
  • Ensemble approach
  • Bootstrapping + Aggregation = Bagging
  • Bagging vs Boosting
  • Hyperparameter Tuning for GridSearchCV
  • XGBoost Explanatory Model Building
  • Boosting Ensemble Models
  • Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
  • Handling Imbalanced Dataset
    • Resampling (Oversampling & Undersampling)
    • Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
  • Gradient Boosting
  • CatBoost
  • LightGBM
  • Support Vector Classifier (SVC) & Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    • Use of Dimensionality Reduction Technique
    • Difference with Feature Selection Techniques
  • Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)
  • Hyperparameter Tuning


Tools Covered: Pandas, Matplotlib, Sk Learn, LightGBM


Class Projects:

  • Project with practical application of Regression, Classification, and Clustering algorithms using Machine Learning concepts.
  • Case studies in various domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, marketing, supply chain, etc.) like:
  • Spam Mail Classifier using Naive Bayes Algorithm
  • Detect car Insurance Fraud Claims
  • Heart disease detection using ML


Note: All Machine Learning Algorithms will be covered in depth with real-time projects & case studies for each algorithm. Once Machine learning is completed, the Capstone Project will be released for the batch.

UNIT 9: Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning (24 Hours)

Deep Learning, is a subset of machine learning that focuses on training neural networks to build a model by studying hierarchical patterns and features from the input data. On the other hand, in reinforcement Learning, you will learn to build a sequential model that interacts with the environment to achieve a goal by receiving real-time feedback.


Module 1: Deep Learning 

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Forward Propagation in ANN
  • Backpropagation in ANN
  • ReLU vs Leaky ReLU
  • Exploding Gradient Problem
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Optimizer
  • Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • L1 & L2 Regularization in ANN
  • Loss Functions for Regression (MSE, RMSE, MAE, Huber Loss)
  • Loss functions for classification (Cross Entropy Loss)
  • Weight Initialisation Techniques
  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
  • Vanishing Gradient Problem in RNN
  • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
  • Autoencoders & Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
  • Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning
  • Hyperparameter Tuning


Class Projects

  • Diabetes detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Fake News Classification using LSTM Network
  • Sentiment analysis for social media & customer reviews
  • Stock Price Forecasting using LSTM Neural Network
  • Applications in Information Retrieval & Recommendation Systems
  • Heart Disease Detection project


Tools Covered: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch


Module 2: Reinforcement Learning 

  • Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
  • Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
  • Monte Carlo Methods
  • Temporal Difference Learning
  • Q-Learning and SARSA
  • Policy Gradient Methods
  • Multi-Agent & Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning with Deep Learning
  • Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
  • Transfer Learning & Lifelong learning and Fine-tuning


Class Projects:

  • Dynamic Pricing Strategies in E-commerce
  • Optimizing Supply Chain Logistics
  • Personalized Healthcare Treatment Planning
  • Reinforcement Learning-Based Autonomous Driving

UNIT 10: Computer Vision (16 Hours)

In this unit, we’ll delve into computer vision for image analysis. We’ll explore image classification, object detection, and segmentation in computer vision using deep-learning architectures like CNNs.


Module 1: Computer Vision 

  • Introduction to Computer Vision
  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
  • Difference between CNN and other neural networks
  • Concept of CNN architectures
  • Introduction to OpenCV
  • Image Processing using OpenCV
  • Deep CNN
  • Capturing videoframes
  • Object Tracking using HSV colorspace range
  • Image Thresholding techniques
  • Canny Edge Detection Algorithm & Implementation
  • Hough Line & Circle Transform
  • Image classification & segmentation using OpenCV
  • Identifying Contours using OpenCV
  • Object Detection in OpenCV


Class Project:

  • Tomato Leaf Disease Classification using OpenCV Inception V3
  • Objects/Persons Tracking using OpenCV
  • Road Lane Detection using OpenCV
  • Face & Eye detection using OpenCV

UNIT 11: Generative AI (16 Hours)

In this unit, we’ll delve into generative AI and prompt engineering tools. Generative AI will introduce us to large language models, GANs, and autoregressive models for creating new content.


Module 1: Generative AI and Large Language Models 

  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Traditional AI vs Generative AI
  • Regular Model Building vs Generation
  • Introduction to Transformer Architecture 
  • Embedding component (Word Embedding & Positional Embedding)
  • BERT (Encoder-Decoder Architecture) vs GPT (Decoder Architecture)
  • Introduction to Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT) – Text Generation: Word Generation, Sentence Generation
  • ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-Turbo & GPT-4 model)
  • Open Source Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Huggingface Open LLM Leaderboard
  • LLM Benchmarking datasets
  • Prompts, Contexts, and Structure of Prompts
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Workflow
  • Langchain implementation of RAG
  • Fine-tuning: Concepts of Text Embeddings, Text Similarity 
  • Generation vs Chat Generation
  • Text Generation Model vs Chat Model
  • Reinforcement Learning Human Feedback (RLHF) loop
  • Image Generation: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Auto Encoders & Variational Autoencoders


Tools Covered: Tensorflow, Open CV, BERT, Huggingface 


Class Project:

  • Fake news classification using LSTM
  • Domain-specific (eg: Healthcare) Chatbot using Gen AI
  • Chatbot using Meta/Llama-2 LLM
  • Context-based chatbot using RAG workflow – Indexing a PDF file on Pinecone Vector Database, Implementation using Langchain library

Specialization 2 : Manager Specialization

UNIT 8: Data Visualization & Analytics (48 Hours)

This unit consists of two of the most prominently used tools for data visualization & analytics: Power BI and Tableau. You will learn to create interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations to analyze and communicate insights effectively.


Module 1: Power BI 

  • Introduction to Power BI
  • Data Preparation and Modeling
  • Clean, transform & load data in Power BI
  • Data Visualization Techniques
  • Advanced Analytics in Power BI
  • Designing Interactive Dashboards
  • Power Query
  • Design Power BI Reports
  • Connecting Power BI to SQL
  • Create, Share, and Collaborate on Power BI Dashboards


Class Project & Assignments:

Project 1: Education Institute’s student data analysis

Project 2: Sales Data Analysis

– Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts


Module 2: Tableau

  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Connecting Tableau to data sources
  • Data Types in Tableau
  • Data Preparation and Transformation
  • Building Visualizations in Tableau
  • Advanced Analytics in Tableau
  • Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling
  • Connecting Tableau to SQL
  • Tableau Online to collaborate, share & publish dashboards


Class Project & Assignments:

Project 1: Supermarket data analysis

Project 2: Covid Data Analysis

– Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts

– Deployment of Predictive model in Tableau


Tools Covered: Power BI, Tableau, Excel


Module 3: Excel for Analytics 

  • Introduction to Excel for Analytics
  • Basic Formulas & Function
  • Data Preparation and Cleaning
  • Charts & Graphs in Excel
  • Data Analysis Techniques in Excel
  • PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization
  • Data visualization techniques in Excel
  • Excel’s data analysis add-ins

UNIT 9: Introduction to Deep Learning (10 Hours)

Deep Learning, is a subset of machine learning that focuses on training neural networks to model and build a model that automatically discovers and learns hierarchical patterns and features from the input data.


Module 1: ANN (10 Hours)

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Forward Propagation in ANN
  • Backpropagation in ANN
  • ReLU vs Leaky ReLU
  • Exploding Gradient Problem
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Optimizer
  • Adagrad Optimizer
  • Artificial Neural Network
  • Hyperparameter Tuning of ANN


Class Projects

  • Diabetes detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Sentiment analysis for social media & customer reviews
  • Heart Disease Detection project

UNIT 10: Prompt Engineering (10 Hours)

In this unit, students will expertise to structure prompt instructions that can be interpreted, understood by generative AI models to provide an appropriate and effective response.


Module 1: Prompt Engineering 

  • Exploring prompt tools
  • Understanding prompt tools & their architecture
  • Future advancement in AI and Large Language tools
  • Overview of tools like (GPT, Dall E, Midjourney Etc.)


ChatGPT: Prompt for text Generation (Natural Language Processing)

  • Introduction to NLP concept and role in GPT tools
  • ChatGPT and its architecture
  • Hands-on with ChatGPT / Microsoft Copilot prompt for Text Generation
  • Tuning ChatGPT for desired output and application


Dall E / Midjourney: Prompt for image Generation

  • Introduction to image generation using prompt
  • Exploring Midjourney / Dall E 2 & 3 / Gencraft prompt for Image generation
  • Tuning prompt for the desired output
  • Ethical consideration for AI-generated images


Synthesia for Video Generation & Slides AI for PPT creation

  • Learning prompt with Slides AI (from Google) / Simplified.com for PPT generation
  • Using prompt on Synthesia / Invideo AI for Video Generation


Tools Covered: ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall E, MS Copilot, Synthesia, Invideo AI, Slides AI

UNIT 11: Project Management - Agile, Scrum & Jira (32 Hours)

In this unit, students will master the principles and practices of planning, organizing, executing, and controlling projects to achieve specific goals within constraints. Utilizing project management tools such as Asana, Trello, or Jira enhances efficiency in task management, collaboration, and tracking progress.


Module 1: Introduction to Project Management

  • Importance of project management
  • Project life cycle and phases
  • Feasibility studies and project selection criteria
  • Project Planning & Execution
  • Performance measurement & Metrics
  • Agile Project Management
  • Project Management Tools
  • Project management templates


Module 2: Agile & Scrum

  • Introduction to Agile Methodologies
  • Benefits & Challenges of Agile Implementation
  • Understanding the Agile methodology and principles
  • Scrum Framework Overview
  • Scrum roles, events & artifacts
  • Daily Scrum and Task Management
  • Agile Planning and Estimation
  • Sprint Execution and Delivery
  • Scrum Master Role and Responsibilities
  • Agile Execution and Monitoring
  • Agile Metrics and Reporting
  • Adaptation and Continuous Improvement
  • Agile tools and software (Eg. Jira, Trello, Asana)


Module 3: Jira

  • Introduction to Jira
  • Jira projects, issues, and workflows
  • Jira interface and project navigation
  • Creating and Managing Projects
  • Task Management and Collaboration
  • Managing Issues and Workflows
  • Configuring Agile Boards (Scrum & Kanban)
  • Reporting and Dashboards
  • Integrating Jira with other Tools and Systems


Tools Covered: Agile. Scrum, Jira, Kanban


    Gate a chance to win Upto 25% Scholarship

    Take the test and prove your interest in Data Science skill development for your batter career

    UNIT 1: Orientation (8 Hours)

    This unit serves as a primer for data science, introducing key tools and concepts. It’s designed to equip non-programmers with foundational Python and math skills.


    Module 1: Introduction To Data Science, Analytics & AI

    • Introduction to tools & key concepts
    • Real-time project applications 
    • Practical applications of data science in various industries


    Module 2: Fundamentals of Programming

    • Introduction to Python tools
    • Installation of Python
    • Python Fundamentals


    Tools Covered: Python, Anaconda, Jupyter, Google Colab


    Module 3: Fundamentals of Statistics

    • Importance and Use of Statistics in Data Science
    • Descriptive Statistics & Predictive Statistics
    • Learn how predictive Statistics connects with Machine Learning



    Module 2 and Module 3 of Unit 1 are specially designed for non-programmers to understand the basics of computer programming and math.

    UNIT 2: Portfolio Building (6 hours)

    This unit provides an extensive roadmap for building a robust portfolio in data science. You’ll master GitHub for efficient collaboration and LinkedIn for networking and career advancement.


    Module 1: Git & GitHub (VCS)

    • Introduction to VCS
    • Installing and Configuring Git
    • Git Essentials
    • Branching and Merging
    • GitHub Essentials
    • Collaborating on GitHub
    • Forking repositories
    • Creating pull requests
    • Best Practices and Workflows


    Class Hands-On:

    Initiate, collaborate, and work on a real-time project


    Tools Covered: Git, GitHub


    Module 2: LinkedIn Profile building

    • Introduction to LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Platform
    • Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Profile
    • Leveraging LinkedIn for Engagement
    • Growing Your Network on LinkedIn
    • Increasing Followers and Engagement
    • Enhancing Professional Branding
    • Leveraging LinkedIn for Career Advancement

    UNIT 3: Python for Data Science & AI (42 Hours)

    This Python course is built to learn Python programming from fundamental to advanced concepts tailored for data science and AI applications. 

    Module 1: Core Python Programming

    • Python Environment
    • Data types & Operators
    • Operators & Loop controls


    Project: Build a simple calculator


    Module 2: Advanced Python Programming

    • Functions & Modules
    • Regular Expressions (RegEx)
    • File Handling & Exception Handling
    • Generators & Decorators


    Class Hands-on:

    25+ programs/coding exercises on data types, loops, operators, functions, generators, file I/O, reg-ex, and exception handling


    Module 3: Web Scraping using Python

    • Introduction to Web Scraping
    • Web Requests & HTTP
    • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup


    Project: Scrape and Analyze Data from a Website (2-3 Projects)


    Module 4: OOPs in Python

    • Classes and Objects
    • Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
    • Abstraction and Interfaces
    • Method Overriding and Overloading
    • Class Variables and Instance Variables


    Module 5: Python For Data Analytics

    • Data Analysis using NumPy (Array Operations)
    • Data Analysis using Pandas (On Dataframes)
    • Data Visualization using Matplotlib
    • Data Visualization using Seaborn


    Tools Covered: NumPy, Pandas, MatplotLib, Seaborn, Beautiful Soup


    EDA Project (Create Insights using Data Analytics)

    2 Full-Length Projects on Data Analytics using Pandas, MatplotLib & Seaborn to analyze Data to Gain Insights and Identify Patterns.

    UNIT 4: Statistics & Machine Learning (38 Hours)

    This course provides a comprehensive overview of statistical concepts and machine learning techniques, along with their practical applications


    Module 1: Statistics & Probability

    • Fundamentals of Math, Probability & Statistics
    • Descriptive vs inferential statistics
    • Types of data, Sample and Population
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • Handling outliers & missing values in data
    • Discrete and continuous probability distributions
    • Normal distribution and central limit theorem
    • Linear Algebra, Sampling and Estimation
    • Hypothesis Testing Workflow
    • Confusion Matrix, Performance Metrics
    • P-values, Z Scores, Confidence Level
    • Significance Level, Sampling Techniques
    • Parametric Tests: T-test, Z-test, F-test, ANOVA test
    • Non-Parametric Tests: Chi-square test, Man Whitney U Test & Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
    • Regression & Classification Analysis


    Class Hands-on:

    Problem-solving for central tendency, ANOVA, central limit theorem & hypothesis testing Case study


    Module 2: Machine Learning

    • Set Theory
    • Data Preprocessing
    • Traditional coding vs Machine learning
    • Supervised and unsupervised learning
    • Model evaluation
    • Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Data Analysis & Visualisation
    • Feature Engineering
    • Machine learning model building & evaluation
      • Linear Regression Model & Evaluation
      • L1 & L2 Regularization (Lasso and Ridge Regression)
      • Logistic Regression Model & Evaluation
      • K Nearest Neighbours (KNN) & Evaluation
      • Decision Tree Classifier & Regressor
      • Random Forest Classifier & Regressor
      • Naive Bayes Classifier
    • Overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff
    • Cross-validation



    • EDA for Weight Prediction task from Height (Regression task)
    • 1 project each for Regression & Classification

    UNIT 5: Time-Series Forecasting & NLP (24 Hours)

    The Time Series Analysis course will help you learn how to model, forecast, and analyze time-based data that contains date and time parameters. The NLP specialization will help you gain experience in text analytics techniques.


    Module 1: Time-Series Data Analysis 

    • Introduction to time series data
    • Linear Regression Vs ARIMA model
    • Time series visualization and exploration
    • Time series decomposition
    • Stationarity and its tests
    • Autoregressive (AR) Models
    • Moving Average (MA) Models
    • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models
    • Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) models
    • Exponential smoothing methods


    Class Projects:

    • Project to predict the number of customers of an Airline organization using Time Series Model ARIMA & SARIMAX
    • Financial Market Stock Price analysis and forecasting
    • Sales data forecasting to understand trend and seasonality


    Tools Covered: SciKit Learn, Pandas, Matplotlib


    Module 2: NLP

    • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
    • Text Preprocessing
    • Text Embedding Techniques
    • Word2Vec Text Embedding
    • Topic modeling (LDA, LSA)
    • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
    • Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging)
    • Transformer architecture and BERT model
    • Text classification models


    Class Projects:

    • To classify an email as spam or not spam
    • Social media sentiment analysis
    • Translation & summarization of News
    • Generate optimized title/headline
    • Case Study on Recommendation Engine


    Tools Covered: NLTK, Spacy, BERT

    UNIT 6: Database Management (40 Hours)

    Learn practically data mining, optimizing query performance, and ensuring data integrity on SQL. Advanced topics include NoSQL databases like MongoDB, distributed systems, and data warehousing, preparing students for diverse data roles.


    Module 1: SQL – Structured Query Language 

    • Introduction to SQL
    • SQL & RDBMS
    • SQL Syantax and data types
    • CRUD operations in SQL
    • Retrieving Data with SQL
    • Filtering, sorting & formatting query results
    • Advanced SQL Queries
    • Database Design and Normalization
    • Advanced Database Concepts
    • Stored Procedures
    • Integrating SQL with Python for Data


    Hands-on practice:

    • Joins, Sub-queries, Aggregation query
    • Views, Filtering, Sorting
    • Group By and Having clause


    Module 2: MongoDB 

    • Introduction to MongoDB
    • MongoDB essentials
    • Structure of MongoDB
    • Advanced MongoDB Queries
    • Integrating MongoDB with Python for Data


    Tools Covered: MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB

    UNIT 7: Cloud Deployment of ML & AI Models (32 Hours)

    In In this cloud deployment unit, you will learn to deploy machine learning and AI models using AWS and Azure, two leading cloud platforms. You’ll gain proficiency in deploying, scaling, and managing models in the cloud environments through practical exercises.


    Module 1: AWS

    • Introduction to Cloud Deployment for ML and AI Models
    • AWS cloud platform and its services for model deployment
    • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
    • AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
    • Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
    • Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Elastic File System (EFS)
    • Model Deployment with AWS
    • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Flask
    • Model Deployment using Python on AWS using Django


    Module 2: Azure

    • Azure cloud platform and its services for model deployment
    • Understanding deployment architectures and best practices
    • Fundamental Principles of Machine Learning on Azure
    • Model Deployment on Azure
    • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Flask
    • Model Deployment using Python on Azure using Django


    Tools Covered: AWS, EC2, S3, ECS, Sagemaker, Lambda, Azure, Azure ML, Flask, Django

    Specialization 1 : AI Specialization

    UNIT 8: Advanced Machine Learning (24 Hours)

    Module 1: Advanced Machine Learning

    • Clustering & K-means
    • K-Means Clustering Model
    • Ensemble approach
    • Bootstrapping + Aggregation = Bagging
    • Bagging vs Boosting
    • Hyperparameter Tuning for GridSearchCV
    • XGBoost Explanatory Model Building
    • Boosting Ensemble Models
    • Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
    • Handling Imbalanced Dataset
      • Resampling (Oversampling & Undersampling)
      • Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
    • Gradient Boosting
    • CatBoost
    • LightGBM
    • Support Vector Classifier (SVC) & Support Vector Machines (SVM)
    • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
      • Use of Dimensionality Reduction Technique
      • Difference with Feature Selection Techniques
    • Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)
    • Hyperparameter Tuning


    Tools Covered: Pandas, Matplotlib, Sk Learn, LightGBM 


    Class Projects:

    • Project with practical application of Regression, Classification, and Clustering algorithms using Machine Learning concepts.
    • Case studies in various domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, marketing, supply chain, etc.) like:
    • Spam Mail Classifier using Naive Bayes Algorithm
    • Detect car Insurance Fraud Claims
    • Heart disease detection using ML


    Note: All Machine Learning Algorithms will be covered in depth with real-time projects & case studies for each algorithm. Once Machine learning is completed, the Capstone Project will be released for the batch.

    UNIT 9: Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning (24 Hours)

    Deep Learning, is a subset of machine learning that focuses on training neural networks to build a model by studying hierarchical patterns and features from the input data. On the other hand, in reinforcement Learning, you will learn to build a sequential model that interacts with the environment to achieve a goal by receiving real-time feedback.


    Module 1: Deep Learning 

    • Introduction to Deep Learning
    • Forward Propagation in ANN
    • Backpropagation in ANN
    • ReLU vs Leaky ReLU
    • Exploding Gradient Problem
    • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Optimizer
    • Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
    • L1 & L2 Regularization in ANN
    • Loss Functions for Regression (MSE, RMSE, MAE, Huber Loss)
    • Loss functions for classification (Cross Entropy Loss)
    • Weight Initialisation Techniques
    • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
    • Vanishing Gradient Problem in RNN
    • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks
    • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
    • Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
    • Autoencoders & Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
    • Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning
    • Hyperparameter Tuning


    Class Projects

    • Diabetes detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
    • Fake News Classification using LSTM Network
    • Sentiment analysis for social media & customer reviews
    • Stock Price Forecasting using LSTM Neural Network
    • Applications in Information Retrieval & Recommendation Systems
    • Heart Disease Detection project


    Tools Covered: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch


    Module 2: Reinforcement Learning 

    • Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
    • Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
    • Monte Carlo Methods
    • Temporal Difference Learning
    • Q-Learning and SARSA
    • Policy Gradient Methods
    • Multi-Agent & Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning with Deep Learning
    • Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
    • Transfer Learning & Lifelong learning and Fine-tuning


    Class Projects:

    • Dynamic Pricing Strategies in E-commerce
    • Optimizing Supply Chain Logistics
    • Personalized Healthcare Treatment Planning
    • Reinforcement Learning-Based Autonomous Driving

    UNIT 10: Computer Vision (16 Hours)

    In this unit, we’ll delve into computer vision for image analysis. We’ll explore image classification, object detection, and segmentation in computer vision.


    Module 1: Computer Vision 

    • Introduction to Computer Vision
    • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
    • Difference between CNN and other neural networks
    • Concept of CNN architectures
    • Introduction to OpenCV
    • Image Processing using OpenCV
    • Deep CNN
    • Capturing videoframes
    • Object Tracking using HSV colorspace range
    • Image Thresholding techniques
    • Canny Edge Detection Algorithm & Implementation
    • Hough Line & Circle Transform
    • Image classification & segmentation using OpenCV
    • Identifying Contours using OpenCV
    • Object Detection in OpenCV


    Class Project:

    • Tomato Leaf Disease Classification using OpenCV Inception V3
    • Objects/Persons Tracking using OpenCV
    • Road Lane Detection using OpenCV
    • Face & Eye detection using OpenCV


    Tools Covered: Tensorflow, Keras, Open CV

    UNIT 11: Generative AI (16 Hours)

    In this unit, we’ll delve into generative AI and prompt engineering tools. Generative AI will introduce us to large language models, GANs, and autoregressive models for creating new content. At the same time, prompt engineering tools will help us craft effective prompts for guiding AI models.


    Module 1: Generative AI and LLM 

    • Introduction to Generative AI
    • Traditional AI vs Generative AI
    • Regular Model Building vs Generation
    • Introduction to Transformer Architecture 
    • Embedding component (Word Embedding & Positional Embedding)
    • BERT (Encoder-Decoder Architecture) vs GPT (Decoder Architecture)
    • Introduction to Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT) – Text Generation: Word Generation, Sentence Generation
    • ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-Turbo & GPT-4 model)
    • Open Source Large Language Models (LLMs)
    • Huggingface Open LLM Leaderboard
    • LLM Benchmarking datasets
    • Prompts, Contexts, and Structure of Prompts
    • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Workflow
    • Langchain implementation of RAG
    • Fine-tuning: Concepts of Text Embeddings, Text Similarity 
    • Generation vs Chat Generation
    • Text Generation Model vs Chat Model
    • Reinforcement Learning Human Feedback (RLHF) loop
    • Image Generation: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
    • Auto Encoders & Variational Autoencoders


    Tools Covered: Open AI, BERT, Huggingface 


    Class Project:

    • Fake news classification using LSTM
    • Domain-specific (eg: Healthcare) Chatbot using Gen AI
    • Chatbot using Meta/Llama-2 LLM
    • Context-based chatbot using RAG workflow – Indexing a PDF file on Pinecone Vector Database, Implementation using Langchain library

    Specialization 2 : Manager Specialization

    UNIT 8: Data Visualization & Analytics (48 Hours)

    This unit consists of two of the most prominently used tools for data visualization & analytics: Power BI and Tableau. You will learn to create interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations to analyze and communicate insights effectively.


    Module 1: Power BI 

    • Introduction to Power BI
    • Data Preparation and Modeling
    • Clean, transform & load data in Power BI
    • Data Visualization Techniques
    • Advanced Analytics in Power BI
    • Designing Interactive Dashboards
    • Power Query
    • Design Power BI Reports
    • Connecting Power BI to SQL
    • Create, Share, and Collaborate on Power BI Dashboards


    Class Project & Assignments:

    Project 1: Education Institute’s student data analysis

    Project 2: Sales Data Analysis – Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts


    Module 2: Tableau

    • Introduction to Tableau
    • Connecting Tableau to data sources
    • Data Types in Tableau
    • Data Preparation and Transformation
    • Building Visualizations in Tableau
    • Advanced Analytics in Tableau
    • Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling
    • Connecting Tableau to SQL
    • Tableau Online to collaborate, share & publish dashboards


    Class Project & Assignments:

    Project 1: Supermarket data analysis

    Project 2: Covid Data Analysis – Learn to visualize data to find patterns & insights using interactive charts


    Tools Covered: Power BI, Tableau, Excel


    Module 3: Excel for Analytics 

    • Introduction to Excel for Analytics
    • Basic Formulas & Function
    • Data Preparation and Cleaning
    • Charts & Graphs in Excel
    • Data Analysis Techniques in Excel
    • PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization
    • Data visualization techniques in Excel
    • Excel’s data analysis add-ins

    UNIT 9: Introduction to Deep Learning (10 Hours)

    Deep Learning, is a subset of machine learning that focuses on training neural networks to model and build a model that automatically discovers and learns hierarchical patterns and features from the input data.


    Module 1: ANN (10 Hours)

    • Introduction to Deep Learning
    • Forward Propagation in ANN
    • Backpropagation in ANN
    • ReLU vs Leaky ReLU
    • Exploding Gradient Problem
    • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Optimizer
    • Adagrad Optimizer
    • Artificial Neural Network
    • Hyperparameter Tuning of ANN


    Class Projects

    • Diabetes detection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
    • Sentiment analysis for social media & customer reviews
    • Heart Disease Detection project

    UNIT 10: Prompt Engineering (10 Hours)

    In this unit, students will expertise to structure prompt instructions that can be interpreted and understood by generative AI models.


    Module 1: Prompt Engineering 

    • Exploring prompt tools
    • Understanding prompt tools & their architecture
    • Future advancement in AI and Large Language tools
    • Overview of tools like (GPT, Dall E, Midjourney Etc.)
    1. ChatGPT: Prompt for text Generation (Natural Language Processing)
    2. Dall E / Midjourney: Prompt for image Generation
    3. Synthesia for Video Generation & Slides AI for PPT creation


    Tools Covered: ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall E, MS Copilot, Synthesia, Invideo AI, Slides AI

    UNIT 11: Project Management - Agile, Scrum & Jira (32 Hours)

    In this unit, students will master the principles and practices of planning, organizing, executing, and controlling projects to achieve specific goals within constraints. Utilizing project management tools such as Asana, Trello, or Jira enhances efficiency in task management, collaboration, and tracking progress.


    Module 1: Introduction to Project Management

    • Importance of project management
    • Project life cycle and phases
    • Feasibility studies and project selection criteria
    • Project Planning & Execution
    • Performance measurement & Metrics
    • Agile Project Management
    • Project Management Tools
    • Project management templates


    Module 2: Agile & Scrum

    • Introduction to Agile Methodologies
    • Benefits & Challenges of Agile Implementation
    • Understanding the Agile methodology and principles
    • Scrum Framework Overview
    • Scrum roles, events & artifacts
    • Daily Scrum and Task Management
    • Agile Planning and Estimation
    • Sprint Execution and Delivery
    • Scrum Master Role and Responsibilities
    • Agile Execution and Monitoring
    • Agile Metrics and Reporting
    • Adaptation and Continuous Improvement
    • Agile tools and software (Eg. Jira, Trello, Asana)


    Module 3: Jira

    • Introduction to Jira
    • Jira projects, issues, and workflows
    • Jira interface and project navigation
    • Creating and Managing Projects
    • Task Management and Collaboration
    • Managing Issues and Workflows
    • Configuring Agile Boards (Scrum & Kanban)
    • Reporting and Dashboards
    • Integrating Jira with other Tools and Systems


    Tools Covered: Agile. Scrum, Jira, Kanban

    Program Highlights


      Industry Projects

      Industry Projects

      Wide Range Of Tools & Modules

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course
      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

      What makes us Unique?

      What makes us Unique?

      Products in the markets are

      Irrelevant Course Content

      Generic programs lacking relevance for working professionals' specific needs.

      Limited Hands-on Projects

      Insufficient emphasis on practical projects and lack of customization for working professionals.

      Restricted Mentor Support

      Inflexible doubt-solving schedules and inadequate one-on-one guidance and support.

      Inflexible Learning Schedule

      Fixed schedules that do not accommodate the requirements of working professionals.

      1stepGrow provides you with

      Industry-Focused Curriculum

      Tailored by experts to ensure industry relevance and confidence.

      Practical Project-Based Learning

      Hands-on approach to solve real-world problems with expert guidance.

      Personalized Mentorship

      Individualized support from industry experts to guide your learning journey.

      Comprehensive Access

      Customized doubt-clearing sessions, flexible batch options, and interactive live sessions.

      1stepGrow Data Science & AI program focuses on Focused Group Training with Live projects

      Industry-Focused Curriculum

      Tailored by experts to ensure industry relevance and confidence.

      Practical Project-Based Learning

      Hands-on approach to solve real-world problems with expert guidance.

      Personalized Mentorship

      Individualized support from industry experts to guide your learning journey.

      Comprehensive Access

      Customized doubt-clearing sessions, flexible batch options, and interactive live sessions.

      Still Not Sure About The Course?

      Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

      Get a chance to win Upto 25% Scholarship

      Take the test and prove your interest in Data Science skill development for your batter career

      We’ve got you covered with our Flexible Program

      Adaptable Batches

      Join live courses with three years of support, the option to switch batches, and learn from multiple instructors.

      Recorded Classes

      Access class recordings for convenient review of missed sessions.

      Tailored Doubt Resolution:

      Receive personalized one-on-one doubt-clearing sessions based on your specific needs

      Weekend Batch Availability

      Specially scheduled batches to suit the busy schedules of working professionals.

      Lifelong Support and Access

      Gain lifetime access to course materials and ongoing support for continuous learning.

      Program Fee & Financing

      Program Fee & Financing

      Invest in your future with quality education

      Invest in your future with quality education

      Program Fee:

      ₹ 89,000 + 18% GST

      Financing as low as

      ₹5835/ month

      Multiple Payment Modes




      Payment Partner

      Program Fee:

      ₹ 89,000 + 18% GST

      Financing as low as

      ₹5835/ Month

      Multiple Payment Modes




      Payment Partner

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

      Domain Electives

      Domain Electives
      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course, Data Science and Machine Learning Course

      100% Placement Assistance

      1-1 Personal mentorship Support

      Average Package Of INR 7LPA

      No Prior Coding Required

      Still Not Sure About The Course?

      Avoid Confusion, Choose The Right Option That Suits Your Needs.

      Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

      Get a chance to win Upto 25% Scholarship

      Take the test and prove your interest in Data Science skill development for your batter career

      What Our Students & Experts Say ?


      Jayshree Rathod Data Scientist

      Thanks to 1stepGrow team, I am a successful Data Scientist. Transitioning from a teacher to the Data Science field was challenging, but the support and real-time project experience provided by 1stepGrow during the COVID pandemic made a significant difference. I am grateful for the personalized training and guidance from Ravi and the team. Today, I am proud to be working as a Data Scientist at Shyena Tech Yarn.

      Akash Deep Solution Engineer Machine Learning

      Coming from a mechanical background, I enrolled in 1stepgrow's Data Science program. The mentors provided exceptional support, helping me understand the concepts. Their guidance was invaluable, leading me to secure a job even before completing the program. The personalized attention and focused learning approach allowed me to ask multiple doubts and receive proper guidance.

      Chinmay Rai Software Engineer - Data Science

      My experience with 1stepGrow was fantastic. Their exceptional support enabled me to transition to the Data Science team in my company. Through hands-on work in the IT domain, I gained a deep understanding of the practical aspects of being a Data Scientist. The journey was seamless, thanks to the real-world experience provided by 1stepGrow.

      Prathmesh Network Data Analyst

      1stepGrow is an excellent training institute for Data Science. Despite being a startup, I opted for them due to their small batch size. The vibrant class environment and interactive trainers greatly enhanced my skills. The encouraging atmosphere allowed me to ask questions and actively participate. Within just 6 months, I achieved success as a Data Analyst. My journey with 1stepGrow was truly amazing.

      Ajay Chandi J P Morgan Chase Business Analyst

      Enrolling at 1stepGrow Academy has been a fantastic experience. Their knowledgeable and approachable tutors break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand explanations. Small class sizes ensure personalized attention, and the well-organized administration communicates promptly. This training helped me secure a promotion at J.P. Morgan. Overall, 1stepGrow Academy exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it for mastering essential corporate applications.


      Learn More About Your Learning Options

      What are the prerequisites for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The Data Science Specialization Course is designed to be beginner-friendly, starting from the basics. Students entering the program should have a minimum of two years of experience in technical roles within their organizations.

      What will I be preparing for in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      This Data Science Specialization Course focuses on developing the necessary skills in data science, AI, MLOps and Data Pipeline with domain specialization. The program includes:

      • Python Programming
      • Web Scraping
      • OOPs
      • Data Structures & Algorithms
      • GitHub
      • Statistics for data science
      • Machine learning
      • Time-series Analysis
      • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
      • Reinforcement Learning
      • Artificial Neural Network
      • SQL & MongoDB
      • Power BI & Tableau
      • Hadoop & Spark
      • AWS, Heroku, Azure Cloud Deployment
      • Data Pipeline
      • MLOps

      How many students are there in one batch?

      In our Data Science Specialization Course, we emphasize the importance of personalized mentorship. To facilitate effective learning and promote frequent doubt-solving interactions, we limit the batch size to a maximum of 15 students. This approach guarantees individual attention and fosters an environment conducive to learning.

      What are the benefits of a 3-year subscription to the program?

      By enrolling in our Data Science Specialization Course, students gain a 3-year subscription. This grants them continuous access to live class support, mentorship from the institute, and job referrals throughout the subscription period.

      What are the benefits of the online training program for students?

      The online training program for the Data Science Specialization Course offers students various benefits:

      • Timely resolution of queries during live sessions.
      • Access to recorded classes for reviewing previous sessions and resolving doubts.
      • Availability of recorded discussions on assignments and projects.
      • Access to session recordings and comprehensive course materials for future reference.

      What is the duration of the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The Data Science Specialization Course lasts approximately 10 months (320 hours). It includes live training sessions, hands-on training on live projects, and interview preparations. Classes are conducted on both weekdays and weekends. The weekday batch spans 8 months, with classes from Monday to Friday for 2 hours per day. The weekend batch lasts for 10 months, with classes on Saturdays and Sundays for 3.5 hours per day.

      Can you explain the concept of instructor-led online training in the Data Science Specialization Course ?

      The Data Science Specialization Course utilizes instructor-led online training, which involves real-time virtual sessions led by expert trainers. Through this approach, tech professionals actively participate in interactive sessions, enabling them to acquire knowledge, gain practical insights, and engage in discussions related to artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts.

      What if I miss a live session in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      If you happen to miss a live session in the Data Science Specialization Course, don’t fret. The instructor-led online training format ensures that recorded sessions are available for you to review at your convenience. This way, you can make up for the missed session and continue progressing in your learning journey.

      How does a smaller batch size contribute to better learning in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      A smaller batch size in the Data Science Specialization Course fosters an ideal learning environment. With a reduced number of participants, students have more opportunities to seek clarification and resolve their queries during the session. This personalized interaction with the trainer allows for a more focused and effective learning experience.

      Can students interact and ask questions during the live training sessions in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Certainly! We promote an interactive learning environment in the Data Science Specialization Course, where students can actively interact with the trainer and ask questions during the live training sessions. Our small class sizes, limited to a maximum of 15 students per batch, ensure effective student engagement and personalized attention.

      Will I learn about cloud deployment and big data technologies in this course?

      Yes! The Data Science Specialization Course covers cloud deployment technologies such as AWS, Heroku, and Azure. Moreover, you’ll explore big data technologies like Hadoop, Spark and Kafka. These crucial subjects are integrated into the curriculum to ensure you develop a comprehensive skill set that meets industry demands and enables you to excel with large-scale data and cloud-based environments.

      How will this course help me in my career?

      The Data Science Specialization Course accelerates your career in AI and ML. Solve complex problems using advanced algorithms, statistical models, and practical implementations. Gain hands-on experience with TensorFlow, Data Pipelines, MLOps and scikit-learn to develop intelligent systems and data-driven applications. Enhance career prospects in tech sectors with high demand for AI and ML professionals.

      Are there any assessments or exams during the course?

      Yes, to assess your progress and understanding of the concepts taught, there will be periodic assessments and exams throughout the Data Science Specialization Course. These evaluations are designed to ensure that you have a strong grasp of the topics covered and to help you identify areas that may require additional focus.

      Will I have access to the course materials even after completing the program?

      Yes, upon completing the Data Science Specialization Course, you will receive lifetime access to the course materials. This includes recordings of the live sessions, class notes, assignments, and other learning resources. This ensures that you can refer back to the content whenever you need to revise or revisit any topic covered during the course.

      Can I access the learning materials on my mobile device?

      Yes, the learning materials for the Data Science Specialization Course, including recorded sessions, assignments, and course materials, are accessible through our learning management system. This allows you to access the content on your mobile device, giving you the flexibility to learn on the go.

      Can I switch from the weekday batch to the weekend batch or vice versa?

      We understand that you may need to switch between batches with office commitments. If such a situation arises during the Data Science Specialization Course for Tech Professionals, you can contact our support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary batch transfer arrangements, depending on the availability of seats in the desired batch.

      What kind of support can I expect during the course?

      During the Data Science Specialization Course, you can expect comprehensive support from our team. This includes live class support, doubt-solving sessions, discussion forums, mentorship, and access to the learning materials. Our aim is to ensure that you have a smooth learning journey and that all your queries and concerns are addressed promptly.

      Is practical training included in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, practical training is an essential element of the Data Science Specialization Course. You’ll engage in hands-on projects, applying advanced AI and machine learning techniques to solve complex problems. This practical experience will sharpen your skills and enable you to excel in the application of AI and machine learning in various professional settings.

      What are the real-time projects in the Data Science Specialization Course and how do they contribute to learning?

      Real-time projects in the Data Science Specialization Course involve working with industry datasets (with confidential information altered). These projects provide hands-on experience, allowing tech professionals to apply concepts and algorithms to solve real-world problems. With a collection of 18 industry projects covering various scenarios, participants can practice the tools and techniques learned in the course and strengthen their skills in AI and machine learning.

      What are domain specializations in the Data Science Specialization Course consider them?

      Domain specializations in the Data Science Specialization Course involve industry-specific training through capstone projects and mentorship. These projects are sourced from different domains, allowing tech professionals to apply AI and machine learning techniques in real-world scenarios. Domain specializations are important for professionals as they enhance their expertise, provide hands-on experience in specific industries, and equip them with the skills needed.

      How many Capstone projects are part of the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The Data Science Specialization Course incorporates up to 2 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects enable tech professionals to apply their skills and acquire practical experience by working on real-world scenarios in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

      What is project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience in our Data Science Specialization Course involves undertaking industry projects within specific domain specializations. Students collaborate in groups with mentorship support. Upon completion, the project is evaluated by our institute and partner company. If it meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate, recognizing your practical experience in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

      Is there access to industry experts or mentors during the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, the Data Science Specialization Course offers access to industry experts and mentors. Our instructors, with their extensive industry experience, will be available to provide guidance, share valuable knowledge, and mentor you throughout the course, enriching your understanding of AI and machine learning concepts in a professional setting.

      Is there a community or forum available for students to interact and collaborate during the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, the Data Science Specialization Course features a dedicated community forum where students can interact and collaborate. This forum allows you to engage with peers, discuss course-related topics, seek advice, and share your projects.

      How can I get my queries resolved outside the class for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a dedicated student forum for participants of the Data Science Specialization Course. If you have any queries or face challenges while practicing, you can post your questions on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students actively engage on the forum, providing timely responses and solutions to your queries.

      What is the approach for conducting doubt-solving sessions in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      In the Data Science Specialization Course, we prioritize the resolution of doubts to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. We conduct doubt-solving sessions within the class to address any queries that arise during the course. Additionally, at the end of each module, dedicated doubt-solving sessions are conducted to reinforce understanding and clarify any remaining questions.

      What does the Job Assistance program in the Data Science Specialization Course offer?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a dedicated student forum for participants of the Data Science Specialization Course. If you have any queries or face challenges while practicing, you can post your questions on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students actively engage on the forum, providing timely responses and solutions to your queries.

      What does the Job Assistance program in the Data Science Specialization Course offer?

      In the Data Science Specialization Course, we offer a Job Assistance program to aid participants in their career aspirations. This program is designed to provide support and resources to help participants find suitable job opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

      • Github & LinkedIn Profile building
      • Resume Preparation
      • Mock Interviews
      • Job Referrals

      How will the mock interview be conducted and how can I understand where to improve?

      In the Data Science Specialization Course, mock interviews are conducted online using video mode. Feedback on your performance will be provided within a week. You will receive a recorded video of the interview, allowing you to identify areas for improvement in both soft skills and technical skills. This course includes up to 3 mock interviews.

      Do you provide job assistance after completing the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Absolutely! We offer comprehensive job assistance to students upon the successful completion of the Data Science Specialization Course. Our placement cell provides support in resume development, interview readiness, and facilitates connections with relevant job openings in the artificial intelligence and machine learning industry. Our aim is to empower our students to thrive in their professional journey.

      How many job referrals will be provided?

      We provide job referrals to our students enrolled in the Data Science Specialization Course. Our placement assistance program connects you with our network of partner companies and consultancies, increasing your chances of finding suitable job opportunities.

      What’s the eligibility for a job assistance program at 1stepGrow?

      To be eligible for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you need to meet certain criteria. This includes successfully completing all assessment tests with a score of 70% or higher, submitting assignments on time, completing real-time projects, and working on at least 1 Capstone project.

      Will I get a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow?

      Yes, upon successful completion of the Data Science Specialization Course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow. This certificate validates your proficiency in AI and machine learning, enhancing your professional credentials.

      Are there academic certifications provided in the course?

      Yes, we offer academic certifications as part of the course. Our program includes training for industry-recognized certifications in Data Science Specialization. These certifications demonstrate your expertise in the field and can boost your career prospects. We are partnered with Microsoft. On successful completion of the assessment you will be awarded with a globally recognized AI certificate by Microsoft.

      Will I get project experience certification from a company?

      Absolutely! Our course provides you with the opportunity to work on real-world projects in collaboration with our partner companies. Upon successful completion of these projects, you will receive a Project Experience Certificate, showcasing your practical skills and project-based learning.

      How valuable is a project experience certification by a company?

      A project experience certification by a company holds immense value in the industry. It validates your practical skills and demonstrates your ability to apply Data Science Specialization concepts to real-world projects. This certification enhances your professional credibility and can significantly impact your career advancement.

      What is the Fee for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The total fees for Data Science Specialization Course is INR 89,000/- + 18% GST

      Can I pay in instalments for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, you can pay the fees in instalments by taking a no-cost EMI option for INR 5,835/month for a 12-month EMI. You can choose an interest free loan by submitting Aadhar, PAN, 3-month salary slip and other required documents to our banking partner.

      What are the different modes of payments available? The different payment methods accepted by us are:

      • Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
      • Net Banking
      • Bank Transfer
      • Debit Card
      • Credit Card
      • Visa
      • *Zero-cost EMI

      Can I choose installment options for course fee payment in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, we offer installment options for course fee payment in the Data Science Specialization Course. We recognize the financial considerations of our students and strive to provide flexible payment solutions. Feel free to contact our admissions team for further information on the available payment plans and choose the one that suits you best.

      Is there any scholarship/discount available?

      1stepGrow offers 15 – 20% scholarship on early-birds. Our counselors will inform you if an early bird discount is available for the course.

      What is Group Discount?

      Group discounts are available to promote ease in program fees. The discount applies to all members of a group who join the course together. For a group of 2, there is a 5% extra discount, and for a group of 3 or more, there is a 10% extra discount.

      What are the prerequisites for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The Data Science Specialization Course is designed to be beginner-friendly, starting from the basics. Students entering the program should have a minimum of two years of experience in technical roles within their organizations.

      What will I be preparing for in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      This Data Science Specialization Course focuses on developing the necessary skills in data science, AI, MLOps and Data Pipeline with domain specialization. The program includes:

      • Python Programming
      • Web Scraping
      • OOPs
      • Data Structures & Algorithms
      • GitHub
      • Statistics for data science
      • Machine learning
      • Time-series Analysis
      • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
      • Reinforcement Learning
      • Artificial Neural Network
      • SQL & MongoDB
      • Power BI & Tableau
      • Hadoop & Spark
      • AWS, Heroku, Azure Cloud Deployment
      • Data Pipeline
      • MLOps

      How many students are there in one batch?

      In our Data Science Specialization Course, we emphasize the importance of personalized mentorship. To facilitate effective learning and promote frequent doubt-solving interactions, we limit the batch size to a maximum of 15 students. This approach guarantees individual attention and fosters an environment conducive to learning.

      What are the benefits of a 3-year subscription to the program?

      By enrolling in our Data Science Specialization Course, students gain a 3-year subscription. This grants them continuous access to live class support, mentorship from the institute, and job referrals throughout the subscription period.

      What are the benefits of the online training program for students?

      The online training program for the Data Science Specialization Course offers students various benefits:

      • Timely resolution of queries during live sessions.
      • Access to recorded classes for reviewing previous sessions and resolving doubts.
      • Availability of recorded discussions on assignments and projects.
      • Access to session recordings and comprehensive course materials for future reference.

      What is the duration of the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The Data Science Specialization Course lasts approximately 10 months (320 hours). It includes live training sessions, hands-on training on live projects, and interview preparations. Classes are conducted on both weekdays and weekends. The weekday batch spans 8 months, with classes from Monday to Friday for 2 hours per day. The weekend batch lasts for 10 months, with classes on Saturdays and Sundays for 3.5 hours per day.

      Can you explain the concept of instructor-led online training in the Data Science Specialization Course ?

      The Data Science Specialization Course utilizes instructor-led online training, which involves real-time virtual sessions led by expert trainers. Through this approach, tech professionals actively participate in interactive sessions, enabling them to acquire knowledge, gain practical insights, and engage in discussions related to artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts.

      What if I miss a live session in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      If you happen to miss a live session in the Data Science Specialization Course, don’t fret. The instructor-led online training format ensures that recorded sessions are available for you to review at your convenience. This way, you can make up for the missed session and continue progressing in your learning journey.

      How does a smaller batch size contribute to better learning in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      A smaller batch size in the Data Science Specialization Course fosters an ideal learning environment. With a reduced number of participants, students have more opportunities to seek clarification and resolve their queries during the session. This personalized interaction with the trainer allows for a more focused and effective learning experience.

      Can students interact and ask questions during the live training sessions in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Certainly! We promote an interactive learning environment in the Data Science Specialization Course, where students can actively interact with the trainer and ask questions during the live training sessions. Our small class sizes, limited to a maximum of 15 students per batch, ensure effective student engagement and personalized attention.

      Will I learn about cloud deployment and big data technologies in this course?

      Yes! The Data Science Specialization Course covers cloud deployment technologies such as AWS, Heroku, and Azure. Moreover, you’ll explore big data technologies like Hadoop, Spark and Kafka. These crucial subjects are integrated into the curriculum to ensure you develop a comprehensive skill set that meets industry demands and enables you to excel with large-scale data and cloud-based environments.

      How will this course help me in my career?

      The Data Science Specialization Course accelerates your career in AI and ML. Solve complex problems using advanced algorithms, statistical models, and practical implementations. Gain hands-on experience with TensorFlow, Data Pipelines, MLOps and scikit-learn to develop intelligent systems and data-driven applications. Enhance career prospects in tech sectors with high demand for AI and ML professionals.

      Are there any assessments or exams during the course?

      Yes, to assess your progress and understanding of the concepts taught, there will be periodic assessments and exams throughout the Data Science Specialization Course. These evaluations are designed to ensure that you have a strong grasp of the topics covered and to help you identify areas that may require additional focus.

      Will I have access to the course materials even after completing the program?

      Yes, upon completing the Data Science Specialization Course, you will receive lifetime access to the course materials. This includes recordings of the live sessions, class notes, assignments, and other learning resources. This ensures that you can refer back to the content whenever you need to revise or revisit any topic covered during the course.

      Can I access the learning materials on my mobile device?

      Yes, the learning materials for the Data Science Specialization Course, including recorded sessions, assignments, and course materials, are accessible through our learning management system. This allows you to access the content on your mobile device, giving you the flexibility to learn on the go.

      Can I switch from the weekday batch to the weekend batch or vice versa?

      We understand that you may need to switch between batches with office commitments. If such a situation arises during the Data Science Specialization Course for Tech Professionals, you can contact our support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary batch transfer arrangements, depending on the availability of seats in the desired batch.

      What kind of support can I expect during the course?

      During the Data Science Specialization Course, you can expect comprehensive support from our team. This includes live class support, doubt-solving sessions, discussion forums, mentorship, and access to the learning materials. Our aim is to ensure that you have a smooth learning journey and that all your queries and concerns are addressed promptly.

      Is practical training included in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, practical training is an essential element of the Data Science Specialization Course. You’ll engage in hands-on projects, applying advanced AI and machine learning techniques to solve complex problems. This practical experience will sharpen your skills and enable you to excel in the application of AI and machine learning in various professional settings.

      What are the real-time projects in the Data Science Specialization Course and how do they contribute to learning?

      Real-time projects in the Data Science Specialization Course involve working with industry datasets (with confidential information altered). These projects provide hands-on experience, allowing tech professionals to apply concepts and algorithms to solve real-world problems. With a collection of 18 industry projects covering various scenarios, participants can practice the tools and techniques learned in the course and strengthen their skills in AI and machine learning.

      What are domain specializations in the Data Science Specialization Course consider them?

      Domain specializations in the Data Science Specialization Course involve industry-specific training through capstone projects and mentorship. These projects are sourced from different domains, allowing tech professionals to apply AI and machine learning techniques in real-world scenarios. Domain specializations are important for professionals as they enhance their expertise, provide hands-on experience in specific industries, and equip them with the skills needed.

      How many Capstone projects are part of the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The Data Science Specialization Course incorporates up to 2 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects enable tech professionals to apply their skills and acquire practical experience by working on real-world scenarios in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

      What is project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience in our Data Science Specialization Course involves undertaking industry projects within specific domain specializations. Students collaborate in groups with mentorship support. Upon completion, the project is evaluated by our institute and partner company. If it meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate, recognizing your practical experience in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

      Is there access to industry experts or mentors during the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, the Data Science Specialization Course offers access to industry experts and mentors. Our instructors, with their extensive industry experience, will be available to provide guidance, share valuable knowledge, and mentor you throughout the course, enriching your understanding of AI and machine learning concepts in a professional setting.

      Is there a community or forum available for students to interact and collaborate during the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, the Data Science Specialization Course features a dedicated community forum where students can interact and collaborate. This forum allows you to engage with peers, discuss course-related topics, seek advice, and share your projects.

      How can I get my queries resolved outside the class for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a dedicated student forum for participants of the Data Science Specialization Course. If you have any queries or face challenges while practicing, you can post your questions on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students actively engage on the forum, providing timely responses and solutions to your queries.

      What is the approach for conducting doubt-solving sessions in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      In the Data Science Specialization Course, we prioritize the resolution of doubts to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. We conduct doubt-solving sessions within the class to address any queries that arise during the course. Additionally, at the end of each module, dedicated doubt-solving sessions are conducted to reinforce understanding and clarify any remaining questions.

      What does the Job Assistance program in the Data Science Specialization Course offer?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide a dedicated student forum for participants of the Data Science Specialization Course. If you have any queries or face challenges while practicing, you can post your questions on the forum. Our trainers and fellow students actively engage on the forum, providing timely responses and solutions to your queries.

      What does the Job Assistance program in the Data Science Specialization Course offer?

      In the Data Science Specialization Course, we offer a Job Assistance program to aid participants in their career aspirations. This program is designed to provide support and resources to help participants find suitable job opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

      • Github & LinkedIn Profile building
      • Resume Preparation
      • Mock Interviews
      • Job Referrals

      How will the mock interview be conducted and how can I understand where to improve?

      In the Data Science Specialization Course, mock interviews are conducted online using video mode. Feedback on your performance will be provided within a week. You will receive a recorded video of the interview, allowing you to identify areas for improvement in both soft skills and technical skills. This course includes up to 3 mock interviews.

      Do you provide job assistance after completing the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Absolutely! We offer comprehensive job assistance to students upon the successful completion of the Data Science Specialization Course. Our placement cell provides support in resume development, interview readiness, and facilitates connections with relevant job openings in the artificial intelligence and machine learning industry. Our aim is to empower our students to thrive in their professional journey.

      How many job referrals will be provided?

      We provide job referrals to our students enrolled in the Data Science Specialization Course. Our placement assistance program connects you with our network of partner companies and consultancies, increasing your chances of finding suitable job opportunities.

      What’s the eligibility for a job assistance program at 1stepGrow?

      To be eligible for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you need to meet certain criteria. This includes successfully completing all assessment tests with a score of 70% or higher, submitting assignments on time, completing real-time projects, and working on at least 1 Capstone project.

      Will I get a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow?

      Yes, upon successful completion of the Data Science Specialization Course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow. This certificate validates your proficiency in AI and machine learning, enhancing your professional credentials.

      Are there academic certifications provided in the course?

      Yes, we offer academic certifications as part of the course. Our program includes training for industry-recognized certifications in Data Science Specialization. These certifications demonstrate your expertise in the field and can boost your career prospects. We are partnered with Microsoft. On successful completion of the assessment you will be awarded with a globally recognized AI certificate by Microsoft.

      Will I get project experience certification from a company?

      Absolutely! Our course provides you with the opportunity to work on real-world projects in collaboration with our partner companies. Upon successful completion of these projects, you will receive a Project Experience Certificate, showcasing your practical skills and project-based learning.

      How valuable is a project experience certification by a company?

      A project experience certification by a company holds immense value in the industry. It validates your practical skills and demonstrates your ability to apply Data Science Specialization concepts to real-world projects. This certification enhances your professional credibility and can significantly impact your career advancement.

      What is the Fee for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      The total fees for Data Science Specialization Course is INR 89,000/- + 18% GST

      Can I pay in instalments for the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, you can pay the fees in instalments by taking a no-cost EMI option for INR 5,835/month for a 12-month EMI. You can choose an interest free loan by submitting Aadhar, PAN, 3-month salary slip and other required documents to our banking partner.

      What are the different modes of payments available? The different payment methods accepted by us are:

      • Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
      • Net Banking
      • Bank Transfer
      • Debit Card
      • Credit Card
      • Visa
      • *Zero-cost EMI

      Can I choose installment options for course fee payment in the Data Science Specialization Course?

      Yes, we offer installment options for course fee payment in the Data Science Specialization Course. We recognize the financial considerations of our students and strive to provide flexible payment solutions. Feel free to contact our admissions team for further information on the available payment plans and choose the one that suits you best.

      Is there any scholarship/discount available?

      1stepGrow offers 15 – 20% scholarship on early-birds. Our counselors will inform you if an early bird discount is available for the course.

      What is Group Discount?

      Group discounts are available to promote ease in program fees. The discount applies to all members of a group who join the course together. For a group of 2, there is a 5% extra discount, and for a group of 3 or more, there is a 10% extra discount.

      Data Science and Machine Learning Course

      Have any questions in mind?

      Talk to our team directly

      Reach out to us and your career guide will get in touch with you shortly


      What are the prerequisites for the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course?

      The Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course is designed to be beginner-friendly, starting from the basics. However, we recommend the course for students who have some technical exposure through their job roles or possess a degree such as B.E./B.Tech/BCA/MCA/M.Tech. Additionally, students should have a basic understanding of Applied Mathematics/Statistics.

      What will I learn in the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course?

      The Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course is a comprehensive program that covers various aspects of data science and artificial intelligence. Throughout the course, you will gain advanced knowledge and skills in areas such as:

      • Python Programming
      • Web Scraping
      • OOPs
      • Data Structures & Algorithms
      • GitHub
      • Statistics for data science
      • Machine learning
      • Time-series Analysis
      • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
      • Reinforcement Learning
      • Deep Learning
      • Computer Vision
      • SQL & MongoDB
      • Power BI & Tableau
      • Hadoop & Spark
      • AWS, Heroku, Azure Cloud Deployment
      • Excel for Data Analytics
      • Data Pipeline
      • MLOps
      • Project Management
      • Agile & Scrum

      What is the difference between data science and artificial intelligence?

      Data science and artificial intelligence are closely related fields but have distinct focuses. Data science involves extracting insights and knowledge from large datasets through various techniques such as statistical analysis, data mining, and machine learning. On the other hand, artificial intelligence focuses on creating intelligent machines and systems capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image processing, and decision-making.

      Can I enroll in the course if I have a non-technical background with no programming knowledge?

      Yes, individuals with a non-technical background can enroll in the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course. While some basic technical knowledge and familiarity with programming concepts would be beneficial, the course is designed to accommodate learners from diverse backgrounds and equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in the field of data science and artificial intelligence.

      How can I learn Data Science if I’m not eligible for this program?

      If you lack eligibility for this program due to a lack of data exposure and still wish to learn Data Science, we offer a foundation course in Data Science & Machine Learning that can help you achieve your goal of learning Data Science and pursuing a career in the field.

      How many students are there in one batch?

      We believe in providing quality training with personalized attention. To ensure a healthy and effective learning experience, we keep the batch size limited to a maximum of 15 students. This allows for better interaction with the trainers and facilitates a conducive learning environment.

      What are the benefits of a 3 year subscription to the program?

      Students enrolled in the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course receive a 3-year subscription. This means they have access to live class support, mentorship from the institute, and job referrals for an extended period.

      How does the online training program benefit the students?

      The online training program offers small focused group-based live training sessions that provide several benefits to students:

      • Immediate query resolution during live sessions.
      • Availability of class recordings for reviewing previous sessions and resolving doubts.
      • Access to assignment discussions and project discussions, which are also recorded.
      • Availability of session recordings and course materials for future reference.

      What is the duration of Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course ?

      The duration of the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course is approximately 13 months (400 hours), which includes live training sessions, hands-on training on live projects, and interview preparations. Classes are conducted on both weekdays and weekends, with the weekday batch spanning 11 months (Monday to Friday – 2 hours/day) and the weekend batch lasting 13 months (Saturday & Sunday – 4 hours/day).

      What is instructor-led Online training?

      Instructor-led online training refers to an interactive mode of training where students and trainers participate in live sessions. This training model allows for active learning and facilitates interaction between the students and the trainer, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

      What If I Miss A Live Session?

      We understand that missing a live session is sometimes unavoidable. In such cases, you can access the recorded session, which will be made available in your learning portal. This way, you can catch up on the missed content and continue with your learning at your convenience.

      How does smaller batch size help in better learning?

      Smaller batch size helps in a conducive learning environment providing students a platform to resolve their queries within the session. Also,the trainer can progress in the course at the required pace with solving queries for the students.

      Can students ask questions during the live training sessions?

      Yes, students are encouraged to ask questions during the live training sessions. The objective of conducting live online classes is to provide students with opportunities to interact with the trainer and clarify doubts as they arise. To ensure effective interaction, we limit the class strength to a maximum of 15 students per batch.

      Will I learn cloud deployment and big data technologies in this course?

      Yes, the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course covers cloud deployment technologies such as AWS, Heroku, and Azure, along with big data technologies like Hadoop and Spark. These topics are included to provide you with a comprehensive skill set that aligns with industry requirements and enables you to work with large-scale data and cloud-based environments.

      How will this course help me in my career?

      The Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course equips you with the essential knowledge, skills, and practical experience required to excel in the field of data science and artificial intelligence. With the increasing demand for professionals in these domains, this course will enhance your career prospects by making you proficient in various data science techniques, tools, and methodologies.

      Are there any assessments or exams during the course?

      Yes, to assess your progress and understanding of the concepts taught, there will be periodic assessments and exams throughout the course. These evaluations are designed to ensure that you have a strong grasp of the topics covered and to help you identify areas that may require additional focus.

      Will I have access to the course materials even after completing the program?

      Yes, you will have lifetime access to the course materials, including recordings of the live sessions, class notes, assignments, and other learning resources. This ensures that you can refer back to the content whenever you need to revise or revisit any topic covered during the course.

      Can I access the learning materials on my mobile device?

      Yes, the learning materials, including recorded sessions, assignments, and course materials, are accessible through our online learning platform, which is designed to be mobile-friendly. This allows you to access the content on your mobile device, giving you the flexibility to learn on the go.

      Can I switch from the weekday batch to the weekend batch or vice versa?

      We understand that scheduling conflicts may arise, and you may need to switch between batches. If such a situation arises, you can contact our support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary batch transfer arrangements, depending on the availability of seats in the desired batch.

      What kind of support can I expect during the course?

      During the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course, you will receive comprehensive support from our team. This includes live class support, doubt-solving sessions, discussion forums, mentorship, and access to the learning materials. Our aim is to ensure that you have a smooth learning journey and that all your queries and concerns are addressed promptly.


      Is there any practical training involved in the course?

      Absolutely! The Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course places a strong emphasis on practical training. You will work on real-world projects and gain hands-on experience in applying data science and artificial intelligence techniques to solve complex problems. This practical exposure will enhance your skills and build your confidence in working on industry-relevant projects.

      What are real-time projects and how do they help?

      Real-time projects in the course are based on industry data, although the names of brands and other sensitive information may be changed to protect confidentiality. These projects allow students to apply concepts and algorithms to actual datasets, helping them gain practical experience. The course includes 24 real-time industry projects covering various scenarios, providing students with opportunities to practice the tools and techniques learned.

      What are domain specialisations and why are they important?

      Domain specializations involve industry-specific training using capstone projects and mentorship based on industry-wide data and practices. These projects are sourced from different industries, and mentors assist students in understanding the projects within the context of specific domains. Domain specializations enhance students’ knowledge and increase their chances of clearing interviews.

      How many Capstone projects are part of this program?

      The program includes up to 4 end-to-end Capstone projects. These projects allow students to apply their knowledge and gain practical experience by working on real-world scenarios.

      What is a project experience and how do I get certified for it?

      Project experience involves working on industry projects related to domain specializations. Students work in groups, with a mentor assigned to each group. On successful completion of the project, it is assessed by our institute and our partner company. If the project meets the required standards, we issue a project experience certificate in collaboration with our partner company.

      Can a student choose his mentor for the program?

      At 1stepGrow, we provide specialized mentors for each subject to ensure that queries related to different subjects can be resolved effectively. If a batch is not satisfied with a mentor’s training method, they can raise the concern on the student forum, and the management will resolve the issue by assigning a different mentor to the batch.

      Can I get access to industry experts or mentors during the course?

      Yes, you will have access to industry experts and mentors throughout the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course. Our experienced instructors, who have practical industry knowledge, will guide you and provide mentorship, ensuring that you receive expert guidance and insights into the field.

      Is there any community or forum for students to interact and collaborate?

      Yes, we have a dedicated community forum where students can interact, collaborate, and discuss their queries and projects. This forum provides a platform for peer-to-peer learning, sharing of ideas, and networking with fellow learners, enhancing your overall learning experience.

      How do I resolve my queries outside the class?

      We provide a student forum where students can connect with other students and trainers. If you encounter doubts or errors while practicing, you can post your queries on the forum and receive answers from trainers and fellow students.

      How are the doubt solving sessions conducted?

      The Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course includes everyday doubt-solving sessions to help students resolve their queries within the class. Additionally, doubt-solving sessions are conducted at the end of every module to ensure comprehensive understanding of the topics.

      Payment & Scholarships

      What is the Fee for the Advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course?

      The total fees for advance data science and artificial intelligence course is INR 99,900/- + 18% GST

      Is there a loan option available for the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course?

      Yes, we offer the option to pay the fees in installments through a no-cost EMI option. You can choose to pay INR 9,824 per month for a 12-month EMI. We also provide an interest-free loan option, where you can submit your Aadhar, PAN, 3-month salary slip, and other required documents to our banking partner.

      What are the different modes of payments available?

      We accept various payment methods, including:

      • Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
      • Net Banking
      • Bank Transfer
      • Debit Card
      • Credit Card
      • Visa
      • *Zero-cost EMI

      Are there any installment options available for course fee payment?

      Yes, we understand the financial considerations of our students and offer installment options for course fee payment. You can contact our admissions team to discuss the available payment plans and choose the one that best suits your needs.

      Is there any scholarship/discount available?

      1stepGrow offers a 15-20% scholarship for early-bird registrations. Our counselors will inform you if an early bird discount is available for the course.

      What is Group Discount?

      Group discounts are available to promote ease in program fees. The discount applies to all members of a group who join the course together. For a group of 2, there is a 5% extra discount, and for a group of 3 or more, there is a 10% extra discount.


      What does the Job Assistance program in the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course offer?

      The Job Assistance program is a crucial part of the training program. We provide job assistance to our students, helping them pursue their dream jobs in the market. The Job Assistance program includes the following four steps:

      • Github & LinkedIn Profile building
      • Resume Preparation
      • Mock Interviews
      • Job Referrals

      How will the mock interview be conducted and how can I understand where to improve?

      Mock interviews are conducted online via video mode, and feedback is provided within a week. Students receive the recorded video of the interview, which helps them identify areas for improvement in both soft skills and technical skills. In the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course, students are eligible for up to 3 mock interviews

      Do you provide job assistance after completing the course?

      Yes, we provide comprehensive job assistance to our students after they successfully complete the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course. Our dedicated placement cell assists in resume building, interview preparation, and connects students with relevant job opportunities in leading organizations. We strive to support our students in their career transition and help them secure rewarding positions in the industry.

      How many job referrals will be provided?

      We offer dedicated placement assistance by referring our students’ profiles to our partnered consultancies and companies. A student of the Advance Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Course is eligible for unlimited job referrals for the entire subscription period of the course.

      What’s the eligibility for a job assistance program at 1stepGrow?

      To be eligible for job assistance from 1stepGrow, you should fulfill the following criteria:

      • Completion of all assessment tests with a score of 70% or higher
      • Completion and submission of assignments on a timely basis
      • Submission of real-time projects
      • Submission of at least 2 Capstone projects

      Will I get a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow?

      Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you will be awarded a Course Completion Certificate from 1stepGrow.

      Are there academic certifications provided in the courses?

      Yes, we provide academic certifications that validate students’ knowledge and skills. We are partnered with Microsoft, and you will receive training for the Microsoft AI certification. You will have an opportunity to attempt the certification test, and upon passing, you will be awarded a globally recognized AI certificate by Microsoft.

      Will I get project experience certification from a company?

      Yes, by working on domain-specialized industry projects, you will have the opportunity to gain project experience. Upon successful completion of the project, you will be awarded a Project Experience Certificate by our partnered company.

      As a college student or fresher, what kind of recognition should I expect from the course?

      As a college student or fresher, an internship certification holds significant value. We provide opportunities for our students to work on industry projects, which can help you gain recognition for an internship.

      As an on-job professional, what kind of recognition will help me progress in my career?

      As an on-job professional, an internship certification may not be relevant to your profile. We offer industry projects in the program, allowing you to gain project experience from reputable companies. This project experience certification is more suitable for professionals like you and can contribute to your career growth.

      How valuable is a project experience certification by a company?

      A project experience certification from a company holds significant value as it validates your practical skills and demonstrates your ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios.

      Got more Questions?

      Talk to our team

      Elevate your career with our courses – gain the skills and knowledge that will set you apart and propel you toward success. Check your eligibility now and enroll today. Let’s make your career dreams a reality.

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