5 Ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Shape the Future

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Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Extraordinary innovation and the adoption of Artificial Intelligence(AI) are driving new ways to integrate it. Acanto transform sectors including healthcare, businesses, retail, agriculture, and more. 


As this advanced technology permeates into our world, we are observing fascinating avenues that AI brings. 


With proper measures to ensure privacy and security, artificial intelligence will bring a new era of more efficient and productive operations. 

Let’s explore 5 ways artificial intelligence will shape the future in different areas. 


Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a working definition that consists of technical and scientific branches. John McCarthy: Computer Science Department of Stanford University, explains the boundaries of AI and defines it as:


“The science and engineering of making intelligent machines” – John McCarthy, 1956.


Artificial intelligence is also interpreted as the ability of machines to engage in intelligent activities, including problem-solving or reasoning. The machine learns from experience and, in a way, mimics human behavior.


In addition, it also is self-learning which improves its performance. Prof Dalvinder Singh Grewal, Ph.D., also conceptualized AI and proposes a more functional definition of interpreting artificial intelligence as a “mechanical simulation system” which collates and analyses information to the eligible as actionable intelligence. 


With training, Acanto displays accuracy and aids in managing large sets of data.


AI’s (Artificial Intelligence) Future: 5 Areas to Look Out

AI’s rapid improvements and advances are driving numerous key areas. We’ve mapped out five ways that AI will intelligently impact several integral parts of our lives.


1. Healthcare 


The first way AI will shape the future is its transformative impact on the healthcare industry. With technologies such as Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NPL), AI will help understand and precisely diagnose treatments. 


To simplify and build a treatment framework, AI-powered healthcare systems have the potential to undertake evidence-based treatments.  


Not just this, artificial intelligence will further help in anticipating whether an individual could presumably develop a chronic illness in the future based on their lifestyle and habits while also providing personalized treatment for prevention and cure. 


AI will also assist doctors and healthcare professionals with administrative tasks such as managing medical documents or records. Soon we may see a future where machines interact with patients. Of course, we would still require doctors and nurses; it would save time and facilitate them. 


2. Consumer Experience


Research conducted demonstrates that 80% of customers indicate that they are more likely to purchase from brands that provide personalized experiences. 

Consumers today are gravitating towards brands that they find to be appealing in terms of personalization. 


But where does AI come into the picture?

Artificial intelligence will help businesses predict their behavior and craft targeted marketing. AI will help companies identify ways to make their marketing persuasive and assist in segregating them. 


Whether it is targeted emails, product recommendations, or suggestions, AI will have an impact on providing customers with a positive experience. We’re also seeing how companies are currently utilizing artificial intelligence using chatbots to streamline customer support. 


3. Climate Change


An extremely pressing issue we’re faced with around the world is climate change. There have been efforts to mitigate the changing climate through policies such as net-zero emissions by 2050.


However, the growing concern of climate change needs a backup of education, finance, technologies, and resources. 


Here artificial intelligence comes into the picture as an opportunity to solve this complex issue. AI can handle large sets of data regarding measuring emissions, hazard forecasting, and estimating individuals’ carbon footprints. 


AI will help stakeholders tackle climate change with informed and data-driven decisions. According to BCG’s survey, it is seen how 87% (of climate and AI leaders) find AI to be a helpful tool against fighting climate change.  



The application will support leaders and businesses in the following ways:

  1. Optimizing processes.
  2. Collecting and completing datasets of effects and emissions.
  3. Reinforcing decision-making. 


4. Retail 


  • Research by Capgemini shows that scaling operations using AI can save retailers as much as $340 billion. 


Retailers can benefit from investing in advanced technologies like AI to help improve productivity and operational efficiency. The wide variety of utilities that comes with AI can be witnessed through future operations it will undertake. 


The advent of AI-powered drones will enhance how retailers deliver their products. Interestingly, the automated drones will arrive in a mere 30 minutes after the order is placed. 


Amazon has its Prime Air division which has the objective of delivering packages of around 2.4 kgs in under 30 mins for a distance of 24 km. Companies like Alibaba, UPS, and Google are also trying to integrate this. 


5. Agriculture


  • Reports by Forbes suggest that spending on smart agriculture (which includes AI and machine learning) would triple to $15.3 billion by 2025 globally. 


The final area where AI will impact and shape the future on our list is agriculture. 


AI will assist in smart agriculture and areas such as:


  1. Soil and crop monitoring.
  2. Crop maturity observation. 
  3. Detecting plant and insect disease. 
  4. Monitoring the health of livestock. 
  5. Spraying pesticides and fertilizers uniformly. 


There are so many other usages of artificial intelligence in agriculture, and it helps farmers enhance efficiency and monitor produce in real time. 


1. What are the types of AI?

Ans: There are four main types of AI: the theory of mind, self-awareness, limited memory, and reactiveness. 


2. What is an example of AI?

Ans: The best example to understand AI is digital or virtual assistance. Today, numerous assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Now help with various tasks like scheduling or a quick search. 


The possible ways AI will shape the future are nearly endless. The tools that AI is presenting evolutionary improvements for all industries. 


A crucial point to add here is to regulate AI responsibly and ethically. Leaders should ensure that in an attempt to mitigate challenges, the outcomes are only a force for good change.